Workouts for standing heavy bag (punching bag)

We got my son one of those free standing heavy bags for Christmas and I thought it might be fun to make use of it for myself.

Can anyone recommend any good workouts online or on DVD that my husband and I can try?


  • mengqiz86
    mengqiz86 Posts: 176 Member
    Get the app called boxing coach. You need to know the basic jab cross hook and upper cuts, they are traditionally assigned a number e.g. 1 for jab, 2 for cross, 3 for left hook, 4 for eight hook, 5 for left upper cut, 6 for right upper cut. Once you familiarize yourself to these, you can follow the routines on Boxing Coach. E.g. they will say, 2-3-4-2, then you’ll do a jab-left hook-right hook-jab.
  • mengqiz86
    mengqiz86 Posts: 176 Member
    Or get the app called Fight Camp - for $39 a month you get punch trackers for free, video instructions, and awesome support