Pool workouts

Hey MFP i was wondering if any of you knew any pool workouts that would help build muscle mass and burn fat?


  • prettylyzard
    prettylyzard Posts: 98 Member
    Check out swimplan.com It helps you create swim routines that meet your goals. It's really great!
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    Swimming is the one exercise that tones every inch of your body according to Womens health Mag.....I beleive it I have really started turning pool time into exercise time.....Swimmming back and forth across the pool, Squats are really good to do in the pool too.
  • Precious_Nissa
    I do water workouts about 2 sometimes 3 times a week because its an awesome burn....

    I start with swimming 1 to 2 laps
    then i do water jogging very fast and vigourous for about 10 minutes just to start
    then i go into deep water and tread water for 10 to 15 minutes
    then i go to the stairs and do pushups and backward squats...i do repetition count 30
    then i go back to joggin
    then i do lunges, front, back and side
    then i do some squats and jumping jacks
    then back to swimming 2 sometimes 3 laps and i repeat

    i normally do them until i have finished 1 to 1 1/2 hrs and burn a good 1000 calories
  • dogdaze
    dogdaze Posts: 110 Member
    See if your local pool or fitness center offers any Water Aerobics or exercise classes. Here is a slide show from Mayo Clinic on water exercises www.mayoclinic.com/health/aquatic-exercise/SM00055
  • wiseg2
    wiseg2 Posts: 210 Member
    I just swim laps for about 30 minutes. It burns a lot of calories and is very relaxing for me.