Slow Progress getting me down- Monday Blues

Hi all,

Well for the first 7 weeks i was losing 2lbs a week but for the last 2 weeks just 1lb and I have done exercising without consuming all the calories burnt. I am eating 1500 calories a day (enough for 1.8lbs a week) some days i am having perhaps 50% of extra calories burnt but not enough to make the exercise pointless, so 2lbs minimum is what I am expecting to drop off the scales.

I just feel a bit bummed out that things have slowed down and I'm still trying hard, especially adding exercise which i NEVER did before. I've been swimming 5 times a week for an hour, going for 1hr walks 3 times a week, and cycling on my exercise bike 3km a day 3 times a week for the last 2 weeks.

Seeing that I am still 250lbs+ i am surprised I am not seeing bigger changes in my weight. I have at least 6 stone to go and if I'm hitting a fence now it wont be long until i hit a brick wall.

I also have PCOS so would you think that is playing apart on the slow progress?

Any tips and words of inspiration would be much appreciated to blast these Monday diet blues away :frown:


  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    Main thing is you've changed your lifestyle for the better. Focus on that.

    I've just gained a kg this week. Except I know I haven't. It's mostly water weight. It's nearly always water weight. Especially if you're female and it's that stage in your cycle.
    BEEUK Posts: 113
    A loss is a loss, no matter if it has slowed. Losing 1lb a week means you’re doing it the sensible way and it will stay off. You always lose more to begin with as you lose water and your body becomes accustomed to the new fuel and movement!

    Too many people want to see the end result NOW, changing your bodies shape takes time and effort. It won’t happen overnight, concentrate on adding other goals. Like doing an extra 5 lengths at swimming, or adding a km a week to your cycling.

    Don’t give up, you’ve already lost a whopping 16lb in less than two months, that’s a huge amount and you should be proud of that!
  • charissh
    charissh Posts: 91 Member
    I would honestly not think about having 6 stone to lose, but just take each day at a time, and make yourself some small goals.

    Do this pound-by-pound, I know one pound sounds like a tiny amount but it really is an achievement to be losing weight each week!

    It sounds like you are doing everything right, keep up the good work! You've made a really great start and I bet you're feeling better than ever after all that exercise :)

    Often I'll go for weeks losing nothing then suddenly drop 2 or 3 pounds. Our bodies are funny like that, sometimes you can be doing everything right and the scales just don't reflect it! Just keep your chin up and carry on as you are and I'm sure you'll start reaping the rewards soon.
  • xWendyJonesx
    xWendyJonesx Posts: 266 Member
    Sorry to hear youve got the Monday blues.
    As others have said, your still loosing lb a week, slow and steady is the way to go.
    Have you tried taking your measurements? sometimes when weight loss is slow it means your body is changing shape and you are probably loosing inches.
    Good luck, youre doing so well.