In desperate need of help

Hi everyone! This is my first post here, I apologize for not introducing myself in the "Introduce yourself" section but I really am in need of help.
I'm 22 years old, until one year ago I spent my last 6 years drinking, smoking, partying and being overweight, when I turned 21 I made a promise to myself, that I would change, that my life needed to change. I started working out every single day, I dropped the tobaco, the alcohol and my awful eating habits. It has been a struggle, every single day. It's been almost 12 months since I made this resolution and I kept learning more and more about nutrition, fitness and so on. I dropped almost 60 pounds. I weighted in at 190 and 29% bodyfat, today I'm at 155 15% bodyfat. So as you can see I have had results, but it has been the hardest thing I ever had to do. Over the last couple of months I have been eating extremely clean and doing some grueling daily workouts, such as the insanity workout and heavy lifting.
My problem is that now I'm on my summer vacations and I somehow I seem to have lost myself again. I stopped working out, I now eat just the same way that I used to one year ago, I can't stick to my diet. I do not know what's wrong with me. Am Iaddicted to food? Emotional eating? Am I sabottaging myself? Whatever it is is just tearing me apart from the inside because I truly feel powerless to stop my own behavior, it's like this doesn't mean anything to me anymore, or at least not enough. I am ruining my hard work day after day and I am scared, frustrated, desesperate.
I'm not even sure what kind of advice am I looking for here, but I truly lost myself. What the hell is wrong with me? How can I stop this before it's too late? I just need to put the fork down and find motivation to work out and finish what I started, I really wanted to get my six pack abs and now that I am finally close I just blew it, or am about to.
Sorry for the poor english, it is not my first language.

Thanks a lot.


  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    If you are "dieting" you will always stop "dieting". Start having a diet.
    Not working out is not the end of the world - just keep at it.
  • Busymomof003
    Busymomof003 Posts: 44 Member
    You need to light that fire again! Maybe you need to find a new exercise or workout routine that interests you- or a group sport. Just get moving, once you start moving your body again, you're desire to eat better will follow. Make a plan to meet a friend to exercise- that way you won't skip the first one... but I would look into something new. And if you need inspiration to get away from the junk food, watch Food Inc. It changes how you think of food and will help you decide intellectually that you don't want the junk.

    And your English is great!
  • JakeBrownVB
    JakeBrownVB Posts: 399 Member
    forget six pack abs.. not going to happen unless you want to drop to at least 120-130 and look skinny fat as hell..
  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    forget six pack abs.. not going to happen unless you want to drop to at least 120-130 and look skinny fat as hell..

    Dude... you're so obsessed with skinny fat.
    FWIW six pack abs are basically the opposite of skinny fat.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    I share some of your story.
    I stopped drinking just before my 22nd birthday. Lost a lot of weight (via the Karen Carpenter school of diet, minus the ipecac) and basically changed seats on the Titanic for a couple decades.

    The operative word in your post is "diet." Diets are always temporary. Stop looking at how you eat as a diet.
    Instead, focus on adopting a sustainable life style change.
    Tracking allows you to know when you might need an extra half hour in the gym to burn a slice of pizza instead of a salad choice for lunch.
    Refocusing our OCD tendencies to positive changes will be helpful. :bigsmile:
  • Thank you guys for your time and your advices. I will refocus and regroup and get right back on track. I've come to far to throw it all away. I came close to the six pack and I'm about to finish what I started, and you guys are right when you talk about tracking and changing things up, I need that. It is also pretty cool to know I'm not the only one and people can relate and simpathyze regarding this problem.

    Thank you a lot guys! Any more advice anyone might have will always be much appreciated.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Track your food.

    No food is "good" or "bad". Have what you want, but fit it into your daily calorie goal. Don't think of it as a diet.

    Make sure your calorie goal is appropriate and not too low. You want a small calorie deficit in order to keep as much of your lean body mass as possible. If you severely cut calories, it makes it more difficult to stick to, and you may not like the look you get when you reduce your muscle mass.

    Establish your eating habits again, and then gradually start to add in exercise again. You don't have to make it extreme. Even 30 minutes a day of walking.