So it begins! Again

Well, here I am feeling fat, unfit and generally bleurgh!! I figure if I start messaging and blogging that hopefully it will lead to me being more honest about what I am doing and eating! I need all the encouragement you can muster folks as I have a huge amount to get rid of.
I'm living in France, too sedentary and eating all too often for comfort..
Hello everyone!! :-)


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
  • jshashaty
    jshashaty Posts: 33 Member
    Good Morning. I feel the same as you. I realized that my yoyo diet and weight is like being an addict. Great and then relapse, great and relapse. So I am beginning with baby steps. I decided I will get at least 30 minutes of exercise 3 x per week. Once I am comfortable with that, I may increase. Good Luck on your journey. I'm here also.
  • bookcase101
    bookcase101 Posts: 32 Member
  • flabandfab
    flabandfab Posts: 5 Member
    Brilliant! I am hoping that you guys will become my sounding board and also my 'control'. i.e. if I know I am in touch with other like minded people and in discussion constantly with you then I will probably be more likely to stick to my goals. I will also have to be honest instead of kidding myself about what I am doing. I have said 30 minutes 4 x a week for the moment as I can feasibly do that around work, sport drop offs etc. The eating is the hard bit as I am just a full on foodie and comfort eater!
  • abeginner26
    abeginner26 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello 👋🏻 Keep your head high. It’s never too late to change bad habits ✨
  • FitBeardedJourney
    FitBeardedJourney Posts: 94 Member
    Welome! keep your head high and grind it out! We're all here to support each other on our new journey. At some point we all fall but it's who picks themselves back up and keeps going the real winners. So let's get it!