Acct created long ago... ready to do this now!

Hi everyone!

My name is George and I created my account long ago but never went beyond that. I am now determined to change my life to become a lot healthier.

I was over 400 lbs when I started my weight loss journey a couple of years ago. I started Weight Watchers at 413 lbs in September of 2011. By October 2012, I had loss 114 lbs. My wife and I came back from our honeymoon in November with some devastating news that put us in such an emotional state that we gained a bunch of weight back. Now, we are ready to share our story and improve our health.

Although Weight Watchers worked great for us, we needed a much more cost effective way to get our health under control. I have heard so many success stories from people that used myfitnesspal that I am sure we will create a success story of our own.

Thank you for taking time to read this and hope to contribute what I learn during this long journey!
