Can’t we all just jif along?

kindalikevelma Posts: 1,337 Member
edited January 2019 in Chit-Chat
That’s right. It’s time for my very own spin off post.


This is a place for all my PB aficionados. Tell us, do you prefer it chunky or creamy? Do you prefer the type you have to stir due to settling? Let’s hear about your favorite ways to incorporate a little more nut protein in your life. What is your ideal ratio of butter to jelly on a sandwich?


Have fun, stay nutty, but keep it clean, you weirdos.



  • kindalikevelma
    kindalikevelma Posts: 1,337 Member
    Jif isn't as good as this


    This makes me feel #basic

    How did I not know about this? One would think that after owning as many black leggings as I do that I’d be on a pumpkin spice newsletter by now.

    This looks fab. 10/10 will have to try.
  • iMago
    iMago Posts: 8,714 Member
    the best kind is that jif whipped. it's like eating clouds out of heaven change my mind
  • kindalikevelma
    kindalikevelma Posts: 1,337 Member
    lets find out who the serial killers are when they post how they toast the bread and use chunky PB

    Can we also play “spot the criminally insane”?

  • kindalikevelma
    kindalikevelma Posts: 1,337 Member
    iMago wrote: »
    the best kind is that jif whipped. it's like eating clouds out of heaven change my mind

    Drop a few lil’ baby chocolate chips in there while you’re eating it by the spoonful and thank me later.
  • iMago
    iMago Posts: 8,714 Member
    iMago wrote: »
    the best kind is that jif whipped. it's like eating clouds out of heaven change my mind

    Clouds are just water vapor. There isn't any taste to them. Doesn't sound very delicious.

    well thanks for ruining my absolutely PERFECT analogy professor buzz killington!
  • kindalikevelma
    kindalikevelma Posts: 1,337 Member
    iMago wrote: »
    the best kind is that jif whipped. it's like eating clouds out of heaven change my mind

    Clouds are just water vapor. There isn't any taste to them. Doesn't sound very delicious.

  • iMago
    iMago Posts: 8,714 Member
    iMago wrote: »
    iMago wrote: »
    the best kind is that jif whipped. it's like eating clouds out of heaven change my mind

    Clouds are just water vapor. There isn't any taste to them. Doesn't sound very delicious.

    well thanks for ruining my absolutely PERFECT analogy professor buzz killington!

    You're welcome. Did I change your mind?

    no I'm still plugged into the jif matrix
  • kindalikevelma
    kindalikevelma Posts: 1,337 Member
    iMago wrote: »
    the best kind is that jif whipped. it's like eating clouds out of heaven change my mind

    Drop a few lil’ baby chocolate chips in there while you’re eating it by the spoonful and thank me later.

    i do this alllll the time like a lil treasure hunt
    Yessss. One time I did it with chocolate covered espresso beans.

    It. Was. Life-changing.
  • iMago
    iMago Posts: 8,714 Member
    y'all put nanners in your peanut butter sandwiches or nah? asking to see who's a real one here or not