
Do you struggle with cravings? Or going back to picking more processed foods? Ever heard of Clean eating? A year and a half ago I decided to start making some changes in my diet and clean it up. I did baby steps instead of a complete overhaul and I couldn't believe a few things. 1. I was starting to see some real results with my fitness goals (losing weight, toning up). 2. I was feeling amazing... full of energy. and 3. I didn't feel so sick from food.
Clean eating is such a great way to live!! I get excited about it every time I talk with others about it. With that being said I know it can be hard to stick to new things or gain courage to try them out. So I created a support group on FB: Clean Eaters 101. We support each other, ask Q, have fun, learn new things, share recipes and new resources. The more in the group the better because there is power in numbers.
Head on over and join us if you are on FB. It's a totally free group with no obligation to join or do anything else other than want to learn about clean eating.
Hope to see you there!!