New to Keto Diet. TIPS??

I’m considering trying the keto diet. A lot of coworkers are having success with it. However, I’m always busy and with a pretty tight schedule. I was just wondering how easy this diet is to maintain?? Also, I’m a huge fan of carbs (who isn’t?) so I’m sure I’ll struggle starting out. Any tips on how to keep myself motivated and on track?



  • CookieJones2018
    CookieJones2018 Posts: 60 Member
    If you're following the Keto diet, then make sure you measure. I've seen clients who aren't sure about their macros and think they're in ketosis when they're out because they underestimated their carbs. The diet is fairly strict. The SKD is 75/20/5. Fat/Protein/Carbs. I'd join keto groups and find people who have had success so they can help keep you on track.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Join a "Low Carb" group here. You'll benefit from it.
  • RAFLowCarb
    RAFLowCarb Posts: 30 Member
    Great post above covers most aspects - there’s a Keto and low carb group on here too. When it comes to macros I would work out protein first then carbs and fats are last. Don’t worry too much about net vs total carbs if you’re getting most (it not all) of your carbs from the right vegetable. Check out dietdoctors visual aids on what foods have the lowest carbs. I agree about electrolytes - especially if exercising - I got bad cramps at first. I now use a powder that goes in my water bottle at the gym that contains salt, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Lastly just try to eat real food and enjoy the journey!