Hellooo, mama on a mission

My name is Robin, I've actually been on here for a while..but only here and there as I'd workout for a couple weeks then lose motivation. So i thought maybe this time I'd introduce myself, that it might help me to stay on track .

Im a mother to 2, engaged to my love <33 and trying to get back into fitness once again, hoping I stay on track this time around

My mission isnt a weight loss one, as Im 5'4 and weigh 115lbs Im comfortable with my weight . My mission is to tone, and lose this 'mummy tummy' . My biggest weakness is eating healthy. Not that I dislike it, just that Im always out on the run so I eat a bit of fast food. As well as beer is my kryptonite...especially with summer here Ive been having quite a few drinks and bbqs :| . Resulting in my mummy tummy more noticable :( .

Anyway I've also started a fitness blog if you fp'ers wanted to take a look. Id also be interested to look at yours as well for motivation if anyway of you have one as well :)


Thanks for letting me introduce myself :) and good luck on your fitness journeys