Monday Morning Bummer

So I've been rocking it lately, I'm really proud of myself. I started all the way up at 196 and as of this morning I'm at 188.8. It's a good loss over a short period of time and I'm happy with that. but I weighed myself last weds and was 188 even and just Friday I was at 187.7. So I'm up from that. I'm shocked at how it's affected my morning. I've changed focus from where I've come, back to the LONG LONG road in front of me. I've shifted back to the old me that thought I didn't have what it takes to lose weight. Well I do, darn it, and losing 8 lbs isn't anything to shake a stick at, especially when I'm trying to lose 35ish. Whats that, like, 22% of my goal? I'm a quarter of the way there already. Why does this shake me so badly? UPs and downs are going to be part of this journey I'm sure of it, I was hoping I'd deal with the bad days a little better than this. Any tips, how do you get through the bad days? How do you shift your focus back to all the good your doing?


  • slesommer
    Ups and downs will happen, they shake me a lot and half the time if I step on the scales and see no progress it feels like a punch in the gut. The only comfort I get is IMHO weightless is just maths. If you put in less calories than you use then you will lose weight. It is that simple. Sometimes theres a lag period where you wont see the results for a few days or weeks, and the days you don't see results are bad days. Just think about it as your body is saving the good stuff for another day as a surprise.
  • Kittyvicious1
    Kittyvicious1 Posts: 190 Member
    Im just like you, I started at 196 and hit 185 and the scale rocks back and forth to 187-185. I hate it! But I look in the mirror and see all the inches I lost sz 16 to 12. I also see my new muscle I gained. So the weight on the scale is not just fat but muscle. I also switched up eating more veggies and wkout routine to see if I can get the scale to go down, that said I am still a scale fanatic. Add me for support and we will do this together. Good luck!
  • Syriene
    Syriene Posts: 238
    losing 8 lbs isn't anything to shake a stick at, especially when I'm trying to lose 35ish. Whats that, like, 22% of my goal? I'm a quarter of the way there already.

    What you said above...remind yourself of those things. Your weight will fluctuate from day to day, don't panic. When mine goes up a bit I have to remind myself that it's probably water retention (your muscles keep some while they are healing) and will change again in a few days. I also use it as a reminder to drink more water. Don't beat yourself up, just keep going. You are doing great.
  • Kellihulst
    Kellihulst Posts: 140 Member
    Your weight will fluctuate. Just remember each day you are taking steps toward the bigger goal. Enjoy the journey because you are learning so much on your way!!!
  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    The scale is the worst measurement tool we have... it fluctuates for all kinds of silly reasons... too much salt, too much water, too hot, too cold, floor isn't level.. scale isn't goes on and on... do I use a scale?? yes...but I do not take a lot of stock when it says I went up a pound or two because I KNOW I did not go over calorie expectations. Mine will even show a gain after exercise LMAO....hang in there and keep working... eventually the scale has to comply :)
  • HippieChickadee
    So I've been rocking it lately, I'm really proud of myself. I started all the way up at 196 and as of this morning I'm at 188.8. It's a good loss over a short period of time and I'm happy with that. but I weighed myself last weds and was 188 even and just Friday I was at 187.7. So I'm up from that. I'm shocked at how it's affected my morning. I've changed focus from where I've come, back to the LONG LONG road in front of me. I've shifted back to the old me that thought I didn't have what it takes to lose weight. Well I do, darn it, and losing 8 lbs isn't anything to shake a stick at, especially when I'm trying to lose 35ish. Whats that, like, 22% of my goal? I'm a quarter of the way there already. Why does this shake me so badly? UPs and downs are going to be part of this journey I'm sure of it, I was hoping I'd deal with the bad days a little better than this. Any tips, how do you get through the bad days? How do you shift your focus back to all the good your doing?

    Don't worry about that scale!!!! You are toning your body. Your muscles are getting stronger and your fat is burning off. There will be days of ups and downs. Don't worry about such little changes. You know you ate right! You know you exercised! The scale doesn't know those things.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    When this happens to me, I remind myself to just keep on keepin' on. The overall trend is what matters, not the specific day-to-day numbers. Just continue making healthy choices and the mirror/scale/measuring tape will eventually reflect them. What advice would you give your kid if s/he got disappointed over every little bump and bruise?