Starting Weight Watchers - who's with me!

Hey there everyone!
I've started weight watchers since last week and have lost a pound since then!
I have 45 more to go, and I was hoping I could have some fellow weight watchers girls and guys on here with me to support me along the way!
As a note, I'm doing this without the online tools and the meetings.
I have been using the 360 welcome kit and myfitnesspal :) hope to meet you all on here and get to know you all!


  • UndefinedLoser
    UndefinedLoser Posts: 36 Member
    Hey, I'm on weight watchers as well but I'm constantly starting over. Maybe we can lose the rest of these pounds together.
  • brayman1701
    brayman1701 Posts: 76 Member
    im on weight watchers too, in 5 weeks ive lost 8 1\2 lbs
  • TheCriz76
    TheCriz76 Posts: 83 Member
    Im on WW as well :)
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    I've found with the free tools offered on here, I don't have to pay WW.
  • Ewunia1
    Ewunia1 Posts: 5 Member
    Weight watchers is expensive! The meetings are not really helpful and it is hard to find a good group of people you can click with. I did WW for 4 years and was not successful. Pretty everything WW offers is on this site. Good luck.
  • alyrie
    alyrie Posts: 22 Member
    I've been doing ww for 10 weeks, and I'm down 17.6 lbs! I go to meetings, and it is exactly what I need to stay motivated. I pay $41/month (monthly pass). I'd easily spend that eating out if it wasn't for weight watchers. The points for fast food aren't worth it for me, so I only really eat at home these days. Weight watchers, feel free to add me. :)
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    I am not. I did Weight Watchers once several years ago and found it to be, overall, a good balanced program. However, I feel like my progress here, using the free tools, is more simplified and at least as effective. However, I hope you find that you love it and it works for you. : )
  • llbennett74
    llbennett74 Posts: 132 Member
    I started counting points again too after not being able to lose on MPF. I'm hoping eventually I'll figure out what my magic number is for losing. I could use some WW buddies.
  • ssyer
    ssyer Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I have been going ww for over two years, I love my class but I started here after losing about 70 pounds, found that the points system was not working anymore for me. I have since lost up to date 86 1/2 pounds and I'm really struggling now in the last 6 weeks I have only lost about two pounds and sts for a couple of weeks as well. I have tried everything and cannot lose more then half a pound at the moment but this is where the ww classes pay off after talking to other members it seams this is normal, the finishing line is in sight but it looks like my remaining 18 pounds might take me up to another possibly 6 months to lose, from experience I could never eat the extra 49 points as I would put on, that's why I came here needed to know how much I was putting into my mouth free fruits and veg that's when I learnt nothing's free everything has a calorie in it.

    I now don't count points I do the ww healthy way but count calories as it's more accurate still go to my ww meeting to get weighed as I need the class and our leader is brilliant, you need to do what's right for you but for me the both work together and plus at ww you get rewarded every seven pounds lost as you know, I got a 50 pound certificate and a 75 pounds and I'm not far off my 100 pounds one which I swear it's this why I have done so well this time.

    Anyhow good luck remember what ever works for you as an individual is good stick at it and hopefully we will all succeed.
  • TLwineguzzler
    TLwineguzzler Posts: 289 Member
    Hi, I have been going ww for over two years, I love my class but I started here after losing about 70 pounds, found that the points system was not working anymore for me. I have since lost up to date 86 1/2 pounds and I'm really struggling now in the last 6 weeks I have only lost about two pounds and sts for a couple of weeks as well. I have tried everything and cannot lose more then half a pound at the moment but this is where the ww classes pay off after talking to other members it seams this is normal, the finishing line is in sight but it looks like my remaining 18 pounds might take me up to another possibly 6 months to lose, from experience I could never eat the extra 49 points as I would put on, that's why I came here needed to know how much I was putting into my mouth free fruits and veg that's when I learnt nothing's free everything has a calorie in it.

    I now don't count points I do the ww healthy way but count calories as it's more accurate still go to my ww meeting to get weighed as I need the class and our leader is brilliant, you need to do what's right for you but for me the both work together and plus at ww you get rewarded every seven pounds lost as you know, I got a 50 pound certificate and a 75 pounds and I'm not far off my 100 pounds one which I swear it's this why I have done so well this time.

    Anyhow good luck remember what ever works for you as an individual is good stick at it and hopefully we will all succeed.

    ^this. I pretty much do the same, still go to my weight watchers meetings (I'm a clerk so don't have to pay) Reached goal three years ago but put about a stone & half back on. Joined MFP recently and still eating the weight watchers way but counting calories instead of points - although most of the time they work out around the same.

    Feel free to add me :smile:
  • loserlee123
    loserlee123 Posts: 109 Member
    I am finding counting calories much easier than counting points.
  • Amber__E
    Amber__E Posts: 8 Member
    I tried Weight Watchers and fund that MFP is easier to apply to "real life" plus IT'S FREE! You need to do whatever works for you tho!
  • Kay54lynne
    Kay54lynne Posts: 10 Member
    I'm following weight watchers but have not rejoined. Using points plus. I've lost 2 pounds this past week. My goal is 5 pounds a month. I have a trainer at gym his diet was way to boring. I love the WW plan it works I just having a hard time sticking to anything.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    I'm also a former ww member. Weight Watchers does work - just like MFP but you have to work it. I've been lazy A for quite a while now so I'm just doing MFP. If I could keep up the motivation I'd definitely be doing WW's because it does work and I like the point system better. Especially the free veggies and fruit :smile:
  • luv2eat2013
    luv2eat2013 Posts: 428 Member
    Cute pic...wish I woulda thought of that. I seen the male version floating around. Good luck on weight watchers. Keep in touch we could talk points :)
  • mreimer102
    mreimer102 Posts: 28 Member
    Are you just doing weight watchers alone? I am also using weight watcher meals; but try buying frozen fruit, mix 1 cup with either 1 cup of juice or yogurt, or slim milk, or almond milk. These are the varieties I use. juice for breakfast, only for a cup; and eat something healthy (1cup only), two hours later; eat lunch (weight watchers), snack two-three hours later, eat weight watchers dinner, drink fruit drink (1 cup) again every two hours, and watch your weight go down. I ordered the 310 nutrition protein drink, (doesn't taste like other protein drink, its good tasting), and use it in your juice drink, twice a day. This keeps your metabolism going, burns a lot of calories (mine is no less than 1200 a day), and you will not get hungry. It does not feel like a diet at all. I started at 178, a week ago, and am down to 172. My sister has also joined myfitnespal and has lost already quite a few pounds, as well. We both message each other each day to see how we are doing. We have started walking, several times a week, 3 miles, fast pace. Wow, each morning, we wake up. excited to weigh. If you or anyone else would like to join us, we will gladly be weight loss buddies, and we will message you too. This has made such a difference in our attitudes. Also, make sure you are getting in your 8 cups of water a day; we have found that it makes a big difference on weight loss.
  • kmclamb13
    kmclamb13 Posts: 220 Member
    I don't go to WW anymore but i still use my point system along withMFP.They are very similar in hitting your calories daily.I lost 80lbs on WW so I know it works.MFP has been a great support system for those who cant afford it but still want to lose weight.I wish my weight and food wasn't a struggle for me but it is every day.
  • Mamamichelle71
    Mamamichelle71 Posts: 2 Member
    I have lost 120 lbs on Weight Watchers and I love it! I have a great bunch of people in my meeting and we encourage each other. I do use MFP to track sodium and get information as well. WW works for me, so I plan on being a WW forever. :) Feel free to add me if you would like!
  • Healthy_Shelley
    Healthy_Shelley Posts: 26 Member
    Feel free to add me, too! I'm a WW and MFP user. I like the online/app support through MFP better, but really like the accountability of meetings and weigh-in's in person at WW. Best of luck!
  • SkagitYogini
    SkagitYogini Posts: 112 Member
    I've found with the free tools offered on here, I don't have to pay WW.

    Why do you need Weight Watchers is you have MFP for free?