Weight Watchers

HB0618 Posts: 15 Member
Does anybody follow the WW program without actually joining the app? I am looking to follow something like that but don't know if I will like it or stick with it.


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    The concept is the same as MFP; stay under your calorie goal. MFP tracks calories, WW converts foods into a point system. I think it would just be easier to track your food w/ MFP since you are already here and stay under your goal. I have also been hearing less than good reviews since WW switched to their newer freestyle method.
  • cdbd1961
    cdbd1961 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm doing WW online. I like all of the zero point foods. But I find that I have started losing a bit more by doing this app along with it. It is possible to over eat the zero point foods.
  • Susanmv
    Susanmv Posts: 1 Member
    Don't bother joining WW, the freestyle program is awful. I'm FINALLY losing weight steadily now that I've switched to MFP. The principles of tracking your food, measuring portion sizes, moving more are the same, but difference is MFP WORKS!! Trust me on this. I've tried twice, (2-3 months each time), and did nothing but go up/down 1-2 lbs.