Micronor Mini Pill and Weight Gain...

So I started on the mini pill at the end of last year, the first one they put me on gave me vile mood swings and at the beginning of this year I started on Micronor. It has been fine, with the exception of having gained about a stone in weight. It has changed my hunger levels and I struggled with that daily, however I have managed to get that back under control... I have noticed that if I stay under my calorie goal, I will maintain my weight. If I exercise my *kitten* off, and I mean seriously burning 2000+ cals per day I may lose a pound, however the minute I go one calorie over my allowance I gain a minimum of two pounds. I feel like since I have started taking the pill my weight has gone up disproportionately to what I am eating. Is it just that my hormones are all jacked up? I'm actually coming off the pill this month and having a copper coil fitted because I can't take the weight increase anymore. Has anyone else had these kind of experiences??? Any advice??