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Fat People Don't Need To Eat


He makes some good points and it makes complete sense. Thoughts?

**NOTE: He's not saying fat people shouldn't eat. He's saying they physiologically don't need to eat and would reap a ton of benefits from water/dry fasting.


  • sra455
    sra455 Posts: 57 Member
    As someone who has dieted in unhealthy ways in the past, I will just say this is absolutely not true.

    I was at least 75lbs overweight, for reference. When I dieted unhealthily, I would eat 400-500 calories a day. sometimes less. Because of this there would be times where I would be simply walking or doing something non-strenuous, daily living, and i would become dizzy, have my vision go temporarily black, and even pass out.

    Even 'fat' people need to have proper intake for their bodies to function. Period.