Scale or No scale? That is the question.

Ok! I need your input. I have been told by many people to throw my scale away. But I just can't. I feel like by weighing myself daily it helps to keep me in check. But others say not to worry so much about the numbers. What is your opinion?


  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    I think that this question belongs in the General Weight Loss forum, not the Success forum.

    But, to answer your question, you've successfully lost 74 pounds weighing yourself daily. Why would you listen to other folks about throwing away your scale, if what you have been doing is working for you?

    Oh, I see what you did there. Sneaky, sneaky.

    Congratulations on your loss!
  • I think you should keep the scale. Its good to know your progress. However, dont let it rule you or throw you off track. Some days you will retain water, and around that time of the month you can gain. Just do what is right for you.
  • rpd911
    rpd911 Posts: 9 Member
    Numbers are misleading and discouraging. I've weighed the same for almost 4 weeks now but my pants keep getting bigger. The key is to not focus so much on the number of the scale but the measurements and tone of your body. With diet and exercise, once you reach certain "plateaus" you will find that your weight may stagnate but your body changes. Many lose motivation at this point and fall out of grace with their programs. The scale is great for tracking progress or the occasional tick mark on a track to success map but everyday monitoring will often detract you from your goal and may lead to unintentional unhealthy eating that keeps you at your weight or slowly decreases your LBM. Over time this will lead to fat gain. Cross fit programs have an exercise that involves hitting a tractor tire with a sledge hammer. Grab one and hit your scale instead.
  • looking4au
    looking4au Posts: 85 Member
    I was obsessed with my scale. To the point of weighing a couple times a day. I would let it rule me. It determined my mood for the day. It was like a drug to me. I finally listened to what so many people were saying. If you are doing the right thing, exercising, eating right then you should trust your program. I took the first step. I made my husband hide it from me and bring it out only once a week to weigh. It has been just a little over a month. He bring it out on Sunday's. That's my weigh day. I had him bring it out yesterday to find out the battery is dead. I have to say it is quit liberating and a freeing feeling not to be a slave to it. I don't plan on changing the battery anytime soon. For me, I say no scale. But, I also have an addictive personality. This is just my experience and what works for me.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I think it depends on the person. If you can use it for motivation and not stress about the number then i would keep it. i weigh daily (except weekends) and i find it helps to keep me motivated. It's been pretty helpful to me ;)
  • tavinsmom
    tavinsmom Posts: 101
    For me, l do better when I weigh myself daily. Congrats on your weight loss!
  • JennFraley8501
    JennFraley8501 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for all the input guys :)
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    For me I wanna know the truth, good or bad. My scale numbers have exactly corresponded to when I ate right, worked out but also when I slacked a bit. The scale is my toughest critic and for that I'm keeping it. Now having said that, I only weigh myself once a month. I lose in chunks of about 5 pounds per month.
  • Shelleybean29
    Shelleybean29 Posts: 95 Member
    I think the scale is fine. Unfortunately I have become a slave to it. I weigh myself daily. I am trying to just weigh once a week. Not working out so far.. LOL
  • 9jenn9
    9jenn9 Posts: 309 Member
    Depends on the person, but for me the scale is trouble. I've yo-yoed most of my adult life. Each time I'd make an effort to lose weight, I'd become OBSESSED with the number on the scale. I'd set unrealistic goals and be devastated when I didn't reach them each week. This is not a good thing for an emotional eater. This time around, I weigh once a month or so. I focus on the process, on how I feel, on how well I've tracked my food. I'm losing more slowly, but it's fine. I feel so much more in control and at peace.
  • katinachaos
    katinachaos Posts: 90 Member
    I think it's really easy to become obsessed with the number on the scale and in doing so, become more easily discouraged. If I didn't supplement the scale with measurements and pics, I would have given up for sure. I think a healthy combo of the three, scale, tape measure, and pics, will help you the most.
  • Lecterman
    Lecterman Posts: 97 Member
    Personally, weight is not a big priority for me. I personally focus mainly on BF%. I only weigh once a monthly, specifically for the purpose of calculating bodyfat %. Weight is such an arbitrary number, and I want something that actually has a purpose.

    If you look purely at weight, most NFL linebackers are obese. Have you seen the physiques of NFL linebackers?

    Weight means about as much as BMI
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