Chest Pains/Tightness During Jumping Jacks

I know it sounds bad, but its not from doing lots of them... I seriously get a really tight pressure and uncomfortable feeling the second I jump. And it stops as soon I stop. Its like my upper back and chest muscles are just REALLY tight for some reason. I can walk and do other forms of cardio and I don't get any pain or uncomfortable feeling at all.

I have been doing the 30 Day Shred and haven't had any problems with it until 2 days ago. (which was day 6). I am pretty large chested. I don't know if that it what is making it hurt. I took yesterday off and just walked 3 miles. Today I tried to do level 1 of the Shred and the instant I did a jumping jack the tightness returned.

Is this just something I have to get used to? I feel like maybe I need to go to a chiropractor. I don't think I need to go to my doctor, but I could be wrong. Maybe I just need a rest day? I've been working out for 7 days straight...

Has anyone experienced anything like this? Did it go away?



  • deanconnors3
    deanconnors3 Posts: 22 Member
    I have to ask, did you get a check up prior to starting your exercise routine? Without knowing anything about your medical history or physical fitness level, it really would be totally irresponsible for anyone to try and offer advice or "diagnose" your symptoms. I would really recommend having a checkup and make sure you tell the Doc exactly what happens.
  • Im having an identical problem! Just started today!
    Anyone with advise?
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 662 Member
    Any time you say chest pain that is not good. I wpuld seriously consider seeing the Dr not advice from umliscinsed wanna be professional like us..... lol..... Could be something the Dr might recgonize right off.....
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    seriously go get checked. My husband came home from a bike ride with a tightness in his chest and upper back, he thought it was from the heat and wanted to lay down, I made him go to the ER. He had a heart attack, the ER doc called it a widow maker, within 12 hours he had a stent put in and was on several different meds. Go to your Dr or urgent care and have blood work or an EKG done, worst case scenario they tell you its nothing, right? and you wasted an afternoon (what I thought would happen to us,instead we were at hospital for a whole week, AND I went into labor while he was in the ICU)
  • lizziecheek
    lizziecheek Posts: 65 Member
    I would not exercise any more, none of it, until you are seen by your doctor. I recommend you be seen ASAP. Never ever mess around with chest pain. If it turns out to be muscular then you can go from there, but always want to rule out not a cardiac issue.