
TezzyP Posts: 5 Member
I have always wanted to start walking to help lose some fat.
I started today for the first time, and really enjoyed it.
On my fitbit, I walked 4,011 steps and lost 230 calories in half an hour.
Also 4 mins cardio and 30 mins fat burn. Not a big workout.
I want to do this a round three times a week, due to work.
I usually hit about 13/14,000 steps a throughout the day through being at work.
Around 10,000 of these steps are not fast speed. Just normal walking around at work.

I have lost over a stone in weight through cutting out lots of rubbish and still need to lose another 9lbs.
I am now at 11.2lbs

I would like to ask others here if you do walking exercises, and if so, what is a good walking workout in terms of time and how fast to walk?

Years ago I worked out at the gym and did the walking machines, but don't want to go back to those machines.
I am now at a gym doing yoga 3 times a week and going to start the bodypump.
But don't want to spend loads of time in there.

Need to get fit again. Fed up with feeling out of sorts and need to get my stomach fat down.

Thanks for any help!


  • lin_be
    lin_be Posts: 393 Member
    I never got as detailed as you did here. I simply would walk long distances and focus on calories burned (my weight in lbs x distance x .33). I lost most of my weight walking everywhere. I never timed myself or anything like that.

    With that said, losing weight is also about eating less calories so as long as you’re watching your calorie intake, you’ll do great!
  • dawnnewland1
    dawnnewland1 Posts: 13 Member
    I’ve been walking almost everyday. But looking for friends to keep me motivated. Please add me.