Heres where we start

I wanted to start a discussion about how hard ot really os to get your mind im the right place.

So I'll start
I gained 20 lbs in a year .. And id look in the mirror and say eh im okay im okay.... Till the other day when i,ripped my jeans trying to squeeze myself into them. Went from a size 7/8 to a size 10/11 in less than a year.
I feel like im 50 lbs heavier..

Said okay this is enough and i set up the basement tyrned on my beachbody workout and did my fit test... I felt like i was dying i felt lile jumping hurt and i could barely jump. Im not light on my feet..
I felt so discouragedhowever I did complete it. But i remember last year when i was im awesome shape and felt sexy and coyld actually get through that test witb much less struggle.

My boyfriend is naturally tall and thin and muscular and he lifts so he always has junk laying around amd is always trying to feed me.... Its not his fault that i gained weight but he definitely didnt help....

I just want to get out of my head and not be so depressed about my body i just dont know how long its going to take for me to enjoy working out and enjoy this new journey ...again...

Does anyone else feel like this....