Morning Routine with exercise

Hi! I would love to get feedback about your morning routine that involves working out. I have to be at work at 8am 20 minute drive from my house and I have kiddos I get ready for school. Hubbs helps out by making school lunch but I really want to start waking up super early to get a workout in.
How do you do it? What’s your routine?

Thanks peeps!
Alma :)


  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    Maybe do those quick tabata/HIIT things for like 10 minutes?

    I go to the gym at lunchtime during my work day because luckily there is a gym on campus where I work.

    Sometimes I get up at 5 and do a 40 minute walk. I get home by 5:50 (takes 10 mins to get changed and pee before I leave!) and that's when my husband is about to leave for work. I do my stuff and then wake daughter up at 6:30 and we are out the door by 7:30. I make the lunches and breakfast and all that. My lunch and her lunch and help her get ready hence the whole hour needed. She eats really slowly too so annoying.

  • PhoenixRising43
    PhoenixRising43 Posts: 42 Member
    Food prep on the weekends and get up earlier in the morning so you get that workout done.
  • MarvinsFitLife
    MarvinsFitLife Posts: 874 Member
    Go to bed early to wake up 4-5am
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    pack lunch at night and pack gym bag at night. wake up 550 roll into sweats run to gym,. shower. and then its behind me when my kids were little I worked out in late afternoon bc I brought them to gym w me for their own activities.
  • gearhead426hemi
    gearhead426hemi Posts: 919 Member
    I like to wake up and go for a 20 minute walk when I wake up. Just gets the blood flowing and really wakes you up when its cold outside. Start the day off right.
  • Whey125
    Whey125 Posts: 189 Member
    Wake up 4-5am and workout. I am starting p90x3 next week which is only 30 mins. Then I prep bfast for kid and my lunch is pre packed from night before. I walk /run 3 times a week after work as well (5km) so I always have a workout gear packed in my car. My work day starts at 7am with 20 min drive can be done but takes preparation and some discipline. Good luck!