Weight, weight, don't tell me...

Found out this week that I weigh 30 lbs more than I thought, so while I thought I was 40 lbs over weight, I'm really 70 lbs over weight! What a way to start the year! :s
Tell me something to make me feel better?


  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    You are not alone. Does that help? :)

    Most of us have been there, the honesty of the scale is terrifying. However, you have come to the right place and can now start to change your lifestyle and lose the weight.

    Do read the stickies at the top of the forums tons of useful info there. Also read the sucsess forum for motivation.

    Do enter your stats in MFP choose a reasonable rate of weight loss 1-2lbs per week.
    Do weigh and measure all your food.
    Do log accurately and consistently.
    Do eat the foods you enjoy but keep them within the calories that MFP gives you.

    If you can combine this with exercise all the better. Diet for weight loss, exercise for fitness.

    Don't fall for fad type diets and promised quick fixes.

    Welcome to MFP :)