sleeping in vs. Getting up to workout



  • rowrunyoga
    rowrunyoga Posts: 65 Member
    1. Set your alarm to 'ring" to your voice, saying, "This sleep feels good, but getting that workout done will feel even better."
    2. find an early morning workout pal.

    Good luck!
  • lindsayk324
    lindsayk324 Posts: 54 Member
    Weirdly enough, I was just reading up on the effects of a solid night's sleep on metabolism, and it's not surprising that getting a good night's sleep is very important to how your body processes the food it's fueled with. (source: )

    The take-home message is to keep your sleep routine regular. Changing your sleep routine (getting up an hour early a few days a week, for example) can negatively impact your TDEE (which, since we all count calories, is an Important Thing for our weight loss!)

    That said, do what works for you! Whether you walk a mile in the morning or walk a mile in the evening, it's going to be the same calorie burn, so do whatever feels better. For me personally, I hit my peak physical fitness in the afternoons/evenings, so I plan my lifting and running for after work.
  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    I've always been a night owl... unfortunately, now I'm a night owl in a robin's world. I've been dealing with insomnia and have gone through an online program designed to, hopefully, alleviate that issue some. One of the things I had to do was set a constant wake up time each day. I chose 6 a.m. During the week, I get up, get ready for work and catch my bus at 6:50. On Tues, Weds, and Thurs, I take my gym stuff to work with me and I take the bus to the gym after work and do my thing. On the weekends, my alarm still goes off at 6:00 a.m. and I force myself out of bed, take the dogs for a walk, and *then* I go to the gym. If, for some reason, the dogs don't get their walk (like I had insomnia issues the night before), I still get up and go to the gym. Mind you, the Saturday class is easier to get myself to, since it doesn't start until 10:15. But the Sunday morning class starts at 8:15. That's a little harder.

    So far, this is working for me. At least I'm getting to the gym.
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    I'd much rather sleep....but, I know that if I don't get my workout done in the morning, I won't do it at all. But I also don't workout every day so I do get to sleep in a couple of days a week.
  • Salt_Sand_Sun
    Salt_Sand_Sun Posts: 415 Member
    I love my sleep too, but unless I'm sorely hungover I NEVER feel better sleeping longer than if I've gotten up to workout. Starts the day off right, and you've already accomplished something.

    ^^ THIS!!!

    Go to bed an hour or so earlier. Drink some chamomille tea or sleepy tea to help you get a good night sleep. Get up and get it done!!!

    After about 2 weeks it'll be habit and you'll feel bad NOT getting up.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    Ok,In the past I have gotten up once or twice and loved the way i felt all day when waking up to exercise.... But I do love my sleep!!!!! How do I win this battle?

    I really love sleeping and anyway I'm not that active in the morning, I prefer to workout throughout the afternoon or before dinner to release the stress and go to bed tired and have some good rest! You don't really have to workout so early in the morning if you're not a morning person.
  • tunedvwgti
    tunedvwgti Posts: 9 Member
    I've got to agree with the folks who have said to go to bed earlier... Enjoy your sleep and feel great waking early!
  • georgieb23
    georgieb23 Posts: 76 Member
    If the snooze button is a problem there's always this option...

  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    no one ever regrets getting up to workout

    but i have regretted not getting up to workout

    Too true.... Will try that tomorrow morning.....
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I'm not a morning person but I do have four kids that I homeschool so getting up is important if we're going to get anything done. Even though I consistently get up by at least 6:30 I still HATE working out that early! When I have worked out that early I just don't have it in me to work out at the intensity I want. I do like how I feel after but during I just feel like I'm dying even though the same workout in the afternoon isn't a problem. I finally hit on what works for me; I do a short, mild workout in the morning (20-30 minutes of something like Walk Away the Pounds) and do my "real" workout later in the day. It gets me moving, my blood flowing and body aches worked out but doesn't make me feel like I want to die. Maybe not helpful to you at all but I'm happy I finally found something that will help me feel good all day and get a good workout in.
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    I get up at 3:30 a.m. to be at the gym for 4 a.m. I feel so much better and happier after I have done a killer workout. If I start getting tired in the afternoon, I hit the gym again to make myself up. It takes a bit of getting use to, the trick is on the weekends, try to keep the same schedule by a couple of hours. I am usually up on Saturdays by 5 or 6 am. I also go to bed super early though but it still equals out to 8 hours of sleep. You just need to be consistent to make it stick. There are days where I can barely drag my butt out of bed, but once I am up I feel 100% better..
    Holy cricket.... I thought I was nuts by getting up at 4:15 (sorry, alarm goes off at that time, I get up at 4:45). Still need to get those 30 mins back and avoid the snooze button. Love the alarm clock with pins. That MUST work surely.