Constantly Hungry and Fatigued!!

hannah_lin Posts: 54
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I lost 4 lbs in the first three weeks on this site by restricting to under 1200 a day-- but I was just miserable! I felt hungry all the time. I found myself sleeping as much as possible so I wouldn't notice how hungry I was and I was either constantly fatigued or irritable. So, I decided that I should eat more and incorporate more exercise to compensate. This made me less miserable, but I gained all the weight back in no time. This last week I started restricting to under 1200 again and I immediately started losing-- but I'm back to feeling miserable. I can't think of anything but food, I'm too drained to stay awake and I can't concentrate in class. I feel like in order to lose weight I have to feel lousy! Does anyone have any advice? Should I get more protein or something? Should I be spending my calories differently? Should I exercise more and only eat half the exercise cals? Is there a supplement I should take? Thanks!
PS- Some people might think that I don't need to lose anymore weight, but I model and there are very harsh (and pretty irrational) restrictions on size(people will whip out a measuring tape at a moments notice and if you're an inch too big somewhere they'll tell you you're disgusting-- this is something I like to avoid!). I just need to lose another 5 lbs and don't want to be too miserable in the process. :)


  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    MyFItnessPal would never recommend you go below 1200 calories to lose weight, so I recommend you use the goals section to see what is healthily recommended. Not knowing what kinds of foods you are eating, it is hard to comment, but I am SLOWLY losing weight on 1291 calories a day and eat well. I eat a lot of delicious salads (romaine lettuce, feta cheese, walnuts, cranberry pieces, and a wide variety of diced up veggies) with balsamic vinaigrette style dressing; I also steam a lot of vegetables and top with parmesan cheese, and incorporate lean meats in my diet too. I also eat 5-6 times a day to spread out the calories versus the typical 3 meals a day. I have found that I have more energy than ever! Being a model sounds like a unpleasant lifestyle, so hope you can find a healthy eating pattern that not only sustains your health but provides you with energy and motivation.
  • Rather it's 5 or 100lbs to loose, you want to loose it. MFP sets you up with an amount of calories to eat based on your daily activities. You should try to eat the majority of those calories a day plus exercise. Make sure you are making healthy choices in your food; fruit, vegetables, small portions of meat and eat lots of fruit, but watch your sodium intake. Lots of sodium retains water and if you are eating under 1200 calories and and feel starved, your body goes into starvation mode and will store fat. Make sure you get lots of protein as protein promotes energy. It's all about the choices in food as I am slowly learning. I have lost over 50 lbs in 4 months and I have a lot more weight to go, but I am learning a lot about food what it contains. All pre-packaged food contains a high amount of sodium as well as fast food. Learn about what nutritional values are in food that you may eat out, you will be surprised what a restaurant may say is healthy choice is really not. Drink lots of water and cut back or completely quick drinking soda pop. My daily can of Pepsi is gone and I have never felt better.
  • babanov
    babanov Posts: 14
    Hannah, can you write how many carbs, fat, protein and sugar you eat per day?
  • hannah_lin
    hannah_lin Posts: 54
    Weirdly, the whole "starvation making you hold on to weight" thing hasn't happened to me-- I really have found the less I eat the more I lose... so that's not a part of my problem.
    I can approximate how much protein/fat/carbs I eat-- I generally eat approximately 150 grams in carbs, 15-20 grams of fat, 100 grams of protein, 55 grams of sugar and 30 grams of fiber (this isn't totally consistent, just the general trend).
    I do drink a ton of diet soda and eat a lot of salt. So maybe that has an effect on my energy? Does that sound normal? I also cook almost all my meals at home, eat no beef or pork and only whole grains. If this is helpful at all let me know!
    If you're eating small meals throughout the day how many calories do you aim for per meal?
    Thanks for all your help guys! :)
  • babanov
    babanov Posts: 14
    First of all it's way to much sugar you eat, try to reduce it to near 0. Sugar is connected with the insulin level in your blood and with carb/fat digestion. You should avoid even juices etc.
    Salt and soda - also bad things, both (especially salt) will bind water in your body (high glycogen level). Replace the diet soda with water - at least 2l a day, better 4l.
    The rule of thumb with protein - minimum 2g on every kg of your bodyweight. If you eat less protein, you will burn your muscles, not fat. The first what the body is getting rid of are your muscles, so you have to maintain them.
    Carbs - if you want fast results, reduce them to near 0. Downside of it - energy level will fall even more.
    BUT they are some supplements and techniques you can take/use to support your diet.
    You also should work out 3 days a week is enough. But you can't loose weight just sleeping :-))
  • babanov
    babanov Posts: 14
    Fat - reduce to 0, nothing dangerous in not eating fat for one month. If you stick to this rules, you will 100% achieve your result in maybe even under 1 month
  • babanov
    babanov Posts: 14
    Generally, pay more attention to carb, fat, sugar, protein levels of your daily diet than calories. If you eat near 0 sugar, carb and fat per day, you can eat up to 3000 ccal per day and still loose weight
  • babanov
    babanov Posts: 14
    Eat 5-6 times a day, see that you eat approx 30g of protein with each meal, it will curb you metabolism
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    i think diet coke is a terrible choice, u should just stick to water, and if u need something with flavor, maybe have some Chrystal Light every once in a while.

    eating a lot of salt will most likely to cause you some serious water retention.

    if you workout regularly you can probably eat anything you want since its all home cooked anyway, as long as there is portion control.
  • babanov
    babanov Posts: 14
    If you need supplement advice, write me a mail exactly what for, will help you
  • fonrouge82
    fonrouge82 Posts: 50 Member
    Generally, pay more attention to carb, fat, sugar, protein levels of your daily diet than calories. If you eat near 0 sugar, carb and fat per day, you can eat up to 3000 ccal per day and still loose weight

    Can you give us some menu choices that could get your calories to 3000/day with 0 sugar, 0 carbs, and 0 fat? It seems the choices would be very limited but perhaps there are foods that I am not thinking of...Thanks!
  • babanov
    babanov Posts: 14
    Yes, you are right, you wan't get to exactly 0 carbs fat and sugar a day, but I manage to keep them under 10g every day. Choices are really limited, but you want to lose wait? :-)
    Eat fish (especially tuna, swordfish), prawns, other seafood. Nearly all seafood has a high protein content and nearly no carbs or fat. Turkey and chicken breast are also suitable, also high on protein. Spinach, lettuce, rucola, courgette... For example, 300g of tuna steak, is really nourishing, about 400 ccal and 100g of protein, with nearly 0 fat and carbs. BTW, for many people it is more problematic to eat the right amount of protein a day!
  • babanov
    babanov Posts: 14
    BUT, you should reduce carbs gradually, not one day you eat 300g and another 0. Go down by 20-50g every 2-3 days. When you feel that you are low on energy during the diet, do 2 days of higher carbs, but eat them all in the morning and prefer slow carbs, like brown rice, oats etc.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    your body needs fat. 0 is not healthy. and if you want good brain function and concentration you need it as well. 0 fat will lead to gallstones too. Balanced is better for maintaining energy. You might try 40 30 30 and see if that helps you feel better on your 1200 cals per day. diet soda can be making you feel bad too. the aspartame can make you feel icky and it also tricks your body into craving the sugar it isn't getting. cut that out and that may be all you need to feel better.
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    Atkins diet rears its ugly head again. Please research a healthy diet and don't take advice without cheking it out first. If you are a serious weight lifter/ bodybuilder 2g /kg a day of protein is okay. for the average person 1g/kg is recommended. Your body metabolizes best when you combine protein, fat, carbs. I could go on but I won't just be carful. ok?
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,029 Member
    I would argue that you also needs carbs, especially if you're feeling fatigued. The amount needed is up for debate, but I feel best when I eat lots of them — and have lost 30 pounds of fat doing so, without feeling hungry or fatigued, I might add.
  • babanov
    babanov Posts: 14
    Atkins diet rears its ugly head again. Please research a healthy diet and don't take advice without cheking it out first. If you are a serious weight lifter/ bodybuilder 2g /kg a day of protein is okay. for the average person 1g/kg is recommended. Your body metabolizes best when you combine protein, fat, carbs. I could go on but I won't just be carful. ok?

    Absolutely right with serious sport activity. The whole diet isn't for a long time, I use it for 1-2 months in a year, is enough for me to shred the excess body fat. But as I understand, Hannah is up for fast results, no?
  • babanov
    babanov Posts: 14
    Although I would argue about the protein intake for bb, I normally try take more than 3g a kg during "drying out". I know people who go up to 4g/kg
  • Raina0512
    Raina0512 Posts: 216
    Hannah, i totally understand you! I dont' exercise because it makes me bigger, muscle or fat, they both make me big. I set my calorie goal to 1000/day and i typically eat under that. Everyone says i'm going to hit 'starvation mode' but that's stupid. It's not happened to me either... I've been dropping weight like crazy by consuming fewer calories. Hang in there girl, I usually have to have my Sugar-Free RedBull every morning. I'm an outgoing, loud, high strung person anyway... :)

    Good luck to you!
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    Hannah: The first week I am on a weight loss plan I feel exhausted but that passes by the next week. The first few weeks I was on my plan I went to bed very early and that seemed to help a lot. You say you drink a lot of diet soda and eat a lot of salt. I would encourage you to start cutting back on the diet soda and sodium and increasing your water. Dehydration can make you feel very fatigued. Anything with caffeine contributes to dehydration so for every caffeinated beverage you drink you should drink that same amount of water. It is also important to get enough healthy calories daily which includes enough veggies, fruits and protein. Keep trying to find what works the best for your body because we are all different and what works for me may not work for you.:flowerforyou:
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