wii fit board/scales

xojox Posts: 187 Member
i have weighed myself regularly on both scales, however i only take a reading once a wk from the wii board.

Through this week i've weighed on the bathroom scales and felt it was showing my true weight, i've been feeling a bit bloated and the scales have reflected this. So this morning i get on them to see that i was down a lb, i came rushing downstairs to get on my wii and it said i'd gained 4!!!!! to say i was devastated is an understatement.

I've had a couple of extreme weight differences on the wii, but my bathroom scales, although a cheapy set, has always been reasonably accurate.

So my question is which one do i trust and has anybody else had problems similar?? xx


  • melch
    melch Posts: 20 Member
    I am usually heavier on the wii than the bathroom scales and I have always put my bathroom scales weight down on MFP makes me feel a bit better and if I get the wii fit out the kids want to take over lol

    good luck Melch
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    I asked a similar question a few months back when I first started my weigh in's as I wasn't sure the Wii was accurate enough... but I'm still not sure now!

    To be honest, I use the Wii for all my regular weigh in's - as the only other scales I have access to are at our gym and they are a bit knackered and readings vary so dramatically (like you can gain or drop a kg in 20 mins!! hehe) but when I get weighed at the GP's, I usually weigh at least a kg less than I do on the Wii so the Wii probably does weigh heavier.

    The feedback I got before, was that as long as you are consistent - and always use the same apparatus every time, whatever that may be, then it doesn't really matter so much.

    Sorry I can't be much help! But generally - I do agree - the Wii seems to weigh more, but consistently more...so it's not really inaccurate as such...? :smile:
  • CarlGleave
    CarlGleave Posts: 46 Member
    This is why i do not have scales in the house, it is to easy to jump on when ever and if you do it day by bay and you dont see a loss it can really get you down my advise bin the scales

    i after my breakfast on a wednesday, weigh myself on the pro scales in the chemist.

    i also have wednesday as my treat day then i have all week to burn off my treats

    i found doing this way has really helped me!!!!!! and makes weighing day fun!!!!
  • CarlGleave
    CarlGleave Posts: 46 Member
    also if its that time of the month! women tent to put on 2-6 lbs in water retention!! during this time
  • ladyofivy
    ladyofivy Posts: 648
    I don't trust my wii scale. I think it's nutty. ;n) To be honest, I think (unless you are weighing nude) it's because we don't have an accurate idea of how much our clothes weigh. Sometimes it says I went up or down, and my real scale doesn't reflect that. I think I'm just not a good judge of clothing weight. ;n) So, I look at it, but don't take it really seriously. I weigh nude on my real scale, so I assume that it's correct and feel good if wii shows me at a lower weight, but chalk it up to just being weird if it goes up and my bathroom scale doesn't reflect that. Just relax and enjoy the journey. :n)
  • RDTaylor13
    RDTaylor13 Posts: 160
    the Wii Fit is generally out by a few pounds from the bathroom scales, for one, because it (the Fit) is not a dedicated scale, it's just an add on for a video game. and two, because most people wear their workout clothes, and a pair of shoes (which can add anywhere from 3-5 extra pounds).

    Trust your bathroom scale, and weigh yourself the same way every time. if you weigh in, wearing nothing, do it that way every time. if you wear some clothes, wear the same clothes everytime. remember. not all clothes are created equal .
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    I use my Wii balance board to track my weekly weigh-in mostly for convenience sake. It does show some discrepancy when compared to the digital scale I have in the bathroom, but it's consistent and that's the important thing. You really only need something that will be consistent when compared to itself. Normally I'll weigh myself twice to make sure that the readings from the balance board are close to the same (the two are usually very close) and then compare that to my bathroom scale, which normally reads about 1 pound heavier.

    It doesn't really matter if the Wii board is off by a pound or two as long as it's consistently off by roughly the same amount every time and you use the same scale to track your weight loss. Mine has proven to be consistent enough in it's measurements for me. Your mileage my vary.
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    I use my Wii board has my dedicated weigh in scale because I like seeing the progress on the graph. I do weigh one pound heavier on the Wii than on my bathroom scale though.