Hit the 300 mark and I want to die

Hi everyone. I don't literally want to die, but I am so ashamed of hitting 300 pounds. I have tried and failed so many times to lose this weight, and here I am again. I have never been this heavy in all my life! I'm 61 years old and have estrogen dominance and thyroid issues. I'm not using these as an excuse, but I wonder if hormonal problems are helping make me this heavy. I'm starting here again, hoping that with the help of all of you and keeping myself accountable I can lose this extra weight. Thanks in advance for any help!


  • RunnerGrl1982
    RunnerGrl1982 Posts: 412 Member
    Hey Robin! Hang in there!

    Have you been to a doctor to discuss the concerns you have about your hormonal/thyroid issues?

    Also, if you haven't had the chance, I'd highly recommend reading the stickies posted at the top of the forums. They have some extremely helpful tips and insight. And if you ever need a motivational boost, check out the Success Stories forum. Tons of uplifting stories to read through!

    Wishing you the best on your journey!
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Thyroid issues can affect your weight, have your level checked and start your eating plan and exercise., I am not the best at exercising myself, today I walked all over my house from room to room, it was snowing like crazy.
    I will say tho I did raise my HR, timed my self to 30 minutes. Even walking in place will help.
  • 23MJ88DBFan
    23MJ88DBFan Posts: 51 Member
    Hi Robin, glad you're here! Hang in there! You've taken the first step and that's a big deal, yes you've been here before but so have I and so have many others. Don't worry about the past, let's focus on the future and encouraging each other! We got this! I'm just starting back myself, feel free to add me as a friend for support.
  • robinhager3998
    robinhager3998 Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks everyone. I appreciate all of your input!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    You can lose the weight. There are lots of people with health problems on here that are successful. You just need to be consistent. Get your daily calorie goal, buy a digital food scale, weigh and measure everything you eat and drink, try to stay within your calorie goal everyday. Move more if you can, even walking is good. If you start and keep going you'll see results. Take your measurements and keep a journal. That way when the scale doesn't move you can use it to motivate you and keep going. Good luck.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,489 Member
    Give yourself time for the calorie counting learning curve. It’s a lot of little things. The good part is that they are little things. The hard part is that there are a lot of them.

    Folks come on here kicking themselves that they don’t have it figured out by day 3. Keep in mind that to learn from your mistakes, you have to be willing to make mistakes and keep going. Folks make goal with determination and persistence. You can do this.

    Get a medical check up. You don’t need to just sit around wondering if you have medical issues. Don’t look online, consult a Dr.
  • jazzin21
    jazzin21 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone. I don't literally want to die, but I am so ashamed of hitting 300 pounds. I have tried and failed so many times to lose this weight, and here I am again. I have never been this heavy in all my life! I'm 61 years old and have estrogen dominance and thyroid issues. I'm not using these as an excuse, but I wonder if hormonal problems are helping make me this heavy. I'm starting here again, hoping that with the help of all of you and keeping myself accountable I can lose this extra weight. Thanks in advance for any help!

  • jazzin21
    jazzin21 Posts: 6 Member
    I totally understand what your going through , it very hard to lose weight with an issue with the thyroid. I am hypro and it’s hard even with a high dose of synthroid. Glad your on the program with us. I just started . You can do this, don’t let anything beat you
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,107 Member
    I lost weight post menopause and with hypothyroid. The hormonal issues are treatable so once that's done it really doesn't make a big difference as far as the ability to lose weight. Regardless, the difference is small - for a woman maybe 100 calories per day.

    So, like 88olds says - start. Keep going. Sometimes it's two steps forward and one step back but it is a goal that is achievable and it is SO WORTH the effort. :)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,838 Member
    I lost about 50 pounds in less than a year here, while severely hypothyroid (but treated), at age 59-60, after decades of obesity, and am still here at a healthy weight (5'5", 135) 3 years later at age 63.

    My best advice would be to focus on the things you can control, and spend minimum thought on obstacles you can't influence or control. That's the productive zone.

    For most of us, eating (calories & nutrition), daily life activity, and exercise are under our control, and those are the important variables for weight management and health.

    Hormonal issues, especially treated ones, primarily affect weight through fatigue and appetite, not through some opaque "metabolic inefficiency".

    Appropriate calories for weight management + well-balanced eating for nutrition + exercise for fitness = best odds of long term good health

    Include some treats in there sometimes, just for enjoyment, too. ;)

    Best wishes!
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    First of all I'm relieved that you don't literally mean that.
    You didn't hit 300 overnight, you won't lose the extra weight overnight either. Small steps do add up.

    I'd suggest seeing your doctor and a nutritionist to find a plan that will work best for you. Accurately weighing and logging everything will make a huge difference. You don't have to go crazy exercising, especially right at the beginning, but movement helps. Small, SUSTAINABLE changes make a huge difference. You can do it!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I'm sure you feel somewhat out of control. The neat thing about finding a new healthy eating plan and fitness plan..is you are taking control back. You will see changes and you will figure out how to shed that weight. You can do this! Many of us on here have done it. You've taken the first step..just putting yourself out there. ..also we all feel like crap when we realize we have to lose weight. So.. feel bad for a day..dust yourself off and get to work.. you will succeed!