Looking for motivational pals!!

Hello! I am a few weeks into my weight loss journey and have been doing okay. I’m looking for a few pals to talk regularly and motivate each other to keep going even when times get hard. (whether that be by messaging here or texting :)) I’m looking to lose 100+ pounds, so I’ve got a long way to go. Thanks!


    COLETTEBEE Posts: 8 Member
    Haha yay! You are exactly what I need! 🙌🏻
    I find it so hard to stay motivated. I'm on my second week so I'm just starting out as well. I really need a buddy to talk to so yeah, anyone who reads these posts I would appreciate a few buddies as well please. 😅
  • Je55ica_79
    Je55ica_79 Posts: 277 Member
    You're both welcome to add me. I've lost 20 need to lose 80-90 more.