Loss of dog = loss of steps



  • BrindleRun
    BrindleRun Posts: 28 Member
    I’m so sorry to hear about your dog , they really are part of the family. I’m a volunteer at a shelter as a dog runner so I get to take out shelter dogs for a run. It gets them exercise and people notice them when we are out so that helps them get adopted. You could try to walk dogs for a shelter if you’re felling up to it.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,691 Member
    I'm sorry about your loss. I know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet.

    Volunteering at the shelter is a great idea, but as you said, it doesn't help with the day to day exercise. Have you thought about asking a family member to walk with you? Husband or child or good friend? My husband and I walk our dog together twice a day. It is a good time to reconnect after a busy day. Sometimes we talk a lot, sometimes we just walk together in silence, but at least we are together. I could get better exercise without him, since he walks slowly, but I enjoy spending the time with him, and I know he needs to move as badly as I do. I like to think that even after our dog passes, we'll continue to walk regularly. It feels so good to stretch the muscles at the beginning of the day and after an evening at the computer or in front of the television. I enjoy experiencing nature in all seasons, watching the changes in our neighborhood as spring blossoms grow or Christmas decorations appear. When it's freezing outside, I enjoy getting bundled up and watching the stars at night. In summer there is something so peaceful about wandering at night. It would be good to see if you can get someone to do that with you, until you decide you are ready for another dog.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    It’s brutal, and I’m sorry. I love the idea of walking a neighbors dog. Especially a senior that might really appreciate the help getting their dog some quality walks. And I’m glad to hear that you’re helping at the shelter, those poor critters can use all the love you can give.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    edited January 2019
    I understand how walking around the neighborhood without your beloved dog is hard. sigh. I'm so sorry. sounds like you're trying most everything. There is walking around the mall..I've seen exercisers doing that. The youtube suggestion is a good one.. I just looked that up yesterday with cold weather keeping me inside..it was fun because you're doing it with the group in the video.
  • denisek3
    denisek3 Posts: 11 Member
    I contacted my local shelter, and the first available open dog walking shift was not until March, more than a month away!
  • khaatrebert
    khaatrebert Posts: 20 Member
    I’m sorry about your dog, but while your heart heals have you thought about volunteering at your local shelter to walk dogs. It would be a win win!
  • denisek3
    denisek3 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the continued suggestions and thoughts. I went for a walk this morning this morning with my husband for the first time since our dog died and it felt good, even though it was cold. We talked about doing it more regularly. We like our neighborhood in part because most of the dogs do seem to already get walked. I think I'm going to work out more at home (apps/youtube videos) and seek new classes at the gym since regular dog walking isn't going to happen anytime soon.
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    I am sorry for your loss. they are such huge parts of our life and routine, it's devasting when we lose them.

    Lost my 13 year old lab last March, the last year with him he was my entire life (caring for him and his growing needs). Losing him I had to quickly make plans to keep busy. I threw myself into physical activity with all that time (and no commitment to going home right after work to care for a dog). I kept the walks and adding the gym, then a running program. And it really kicked off my entire weight loss journey after putting on 35 or so pounds the last few years. There have been some set backs with injuries making me rely mostly on walking for exercise VS running/gym. I also threw in some yoga.

    I still haven't added another dog nearly a year out. Mostly anxiety and stress over "picking the right one". which is silly but i tend to overthink things and become paralyzed at the though of making a decision. IF things go well i hope to bring home a puppy late summer (but we'll see, so many things could still happen). Which will make balancing physical activity and puppy activity more difficult but i'll be in maintenance so hopefully it works out!

    denisek3 wrote: »
    Thanks for the continued suggestions and thoughts. I went for a walk this morning this morning with my husband for the first time since our dog died and it felt good, even though it was cold. We talked about doing it more regularly. We like our neighborhood in part because most of the dogs do seem to already get walked. I think I'm going to work out more at home (apps/youtube videos) and seek new classes at the gym since regular dog walking isn't going to happen anytime soon.

  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    edited February 2019
    PWRLFTR1 wrote: »
    If you're not ready to adopt another dog, have you thought about volunteering at a shelter? They could always use dog walkers.

    That was going to be my suggestion too!

    ETA: if you're looking for Youtube workouts HASFIT, NerdFitness and FitnessBlender have some great free ones.
  • alska
    alska Posts: 299 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    I'm sorry for your loss.

    You might check out walking style workouts on YouTube....Leslie Sansone or Jessica Smith. The temp here is 9° so indoor workouts keep me consistent.


    I agree, Leslie Sansone is awesome!
  • CydSteele
    CydSteele Posts: 11 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss. It takes a long time to feel ok after losing a loved pet and member of the family. When I decided a really needed to lose weight and needed a push to help, I advertised as a dog walker in my neighbourhood. Before long I had several regular clients. It got to the point that I had to turn people away because I was walking 15 or more kms a day and it was too much. I have my own Golden now and after 3.5 years, I have kept 3-4 walking clients. It gives me a bit of spending money and keeps me moving even when it hit those ridiculous temperatures in Ontario Canada last week. :)
  • CydSteele
    CydSteele Posts: 11 Member
    Just saw your reply about volunteering. AWESOME!!! I did that for awhile as well but for me without a car of my own, I just couldn't get there often enough. I hope it goes really well!!! It's a great idea!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    denisek3 wrote: »
    I contacted my local shelter, and the first available open dog walking shift was not until March, more than a month away!

    Wow! Sounds like they have a lot of volunteers at that shelter. Is there one in a neighboring town that may not be as well covered? Elderly neighbors that need help?

    My brother has neighbors who travel a lot and he pet-sits for them frequently.
  • denisek3
    denisek3 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks, TeaBea - I bookmarked the youtube video site you referenced.