Desperate! Look for Advice & Help!


Before I can ask for help, I need to explain my situation a little. I will try to be as brief as possible.

I'm 24 years old, 5'7" and about 164 lb. I use to be 135 lb. I teach in NYC and I love weight lifting and cables, kettlebells, swimming, and dancing.

In 2010, I began looking into dieting and weight loss. I had never been able to achieve any results, but this time I was determined. Unfortunately, I did so by eating less than 1400 calories a day and exercising every single calorie off (and then some!). Yes, I dropped about 25 lbs in a little over 5 months. Clearly though, that isn't the way. When I took a moment to reanalysis everything, I realized things needed to change, so in late 2011, I began to lift, eating about 1800 calories a day, and adding some cardio in here and there. I went up in weight, but when down in size. I was pretty close to having a flat stomach for the first time in my life, and it even was starting to have signs of muscles.

In the summer of 2012, when I had successfully achieved a LIFESTYLE (and I mean that sincerely) of eating clean and reasonable, while working out, I finished graduate school and got a job. I became a 5th grade teacher in NYC. It was exciting, but the most stressful year of my life. The first 3 months I barely ate, and then, I ate a ton - gaining every pound back (and then some!).

Now, I am 164 lb and I'm frustrated.

So here is where the questions come in.

In June, I began seeing a personal trainer 3x a week for an hour. I lift weights and do a variety of things (cables, fitness ball, kettlebells, boxing, free weights, squat rack, etc...). Also, I would do cardio 2-3x a week as well.

I started gaining more weight. And at first I was like, hey this happened last time, no biggie. It might be muscle. But it didn't stop. I learned from my first year of weight loss to not rely TOO much on the scale because it can EAT YOUR LIFE AWAY. I rely mostly on measurements and inches. But nothing has gone down. I've maybe lost half an inch.

I've been eating clean, lots of protein, but not too much, I've lowered my carbs and fats. I've made a defecit in my calories as well. My trainer says its my diet but isn't telling me what is in my diet that's causing this. I've made adjustments as my trainer recommended. I brought my carbs down to less than 150 g a day. I brought my protein levels up a bit. I'm now eating 1500 a day (which feels low to me, but what do I know -) and still - nothing.

I want to get back to feeling comfortable in my skin. I use to be a size 4 last year and I'm an 8 now. I'm looking for any advice at all. I was hoping by April (when I'm getting married) to have lost a little weight. I mean, of course I have a goal, but I understand everyone loses at different rates and whatnot. I am just so frustrated and I was hoping that someone could help me out.

I will say this, I know that low calorie eating is NOT my thing because I got so sick from that. Please keep that advice to yourself.

Thank you so much to those who can help!!!!!!!


  • sassyclassydino
    And in terms of help, is it my diet (log is public) is it my exercising (too much, too little?), do I need to be more patient, should I switch trainers?

    Sorry I didn't put those in the post the first time.
  • sassyclassydino
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    First, welcome back!

    Second, are you eating just 1500 calories flat? Or are you eating your exercise calories back? If your answer to the latter is no, then you may want to start. I've probably used this analogy in 50% of my posts, but; A car won't go without gas, and neither will your body. Your body needs fuel for all the work it's doing. If you don't eat those exercise calories, you'll be "netting" less calories than what you're body is meant to intake.

    Let's use an example of your 1500 calories. You eat 1500 calories. And then you go to the gym and do some kettlebells and you've burnt 500 calories in an hour. 1500 cals - 500 exercise = 1000 calories netted. 1200 calories, gross or net is the lowest recommended amount for a person to intake. So if you're sitting at only 1000 calories netted, you're not providing your body with the nutrients it needs. You'd still have to intake another 200 just to meet the minimum. Plus, if you keep too large of a deficit your weight loss will begin to decrease and a whole other slew of problems comes on like lathargy, hair falling out, skin looking icky, etc.

    So yea. Guess what I'm saying in a nutshell is to eat more! Haha. :) Don't be scared of the calories. Look for your "calorie sweet spot". You'll be happy, healthier and not hangry, plus you'll lose weight.
  • ShannonKN
    ShannonKN Posts: 152 Member
    Have you been weighing your food to make sure that you're not underestimating? What are you using to calculate your exercise burns?
  • sassyclassydino
    I try to make my net calories 1500, so I try to eat back what I've exercised. I agree with your analogy. However, my trainer has been saying I've been eating too much and that my diet is the issue since I am clearly working out. :/ I use to be an avid member of eat more to weigh less, but I'm terrified on what he'd say if I started showing my logs with my TDEE cut at 2060 - :/

    I use a fitbit for my calorie loss. I keep track of things on here calorie wise, but use a spreadsheet to help me since the calories burn on MFP tends to not be so accurate.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I try to make my net calories 1500, so I try to eat back what I've exercised. I agree with your analogy. However, my trainer has been saying I've been eating too much and that my diet is the issue since I am clearly working out. :/ I use to be an avid member of eat more to weigh less, but I'm terrified on what he'd say if I started showing my logs with my TDEE cut at 2060 - :/

    I use a fitbit for my calorie loss. I keep track of things on here calorie wise, but use a spreadsheet to help me since the calories burn on MFP tends to not be so accurate.

    Looking at your diary, you're NOT anywhere close to netting 1500 calories. You're eating 1400ish and you're burning 700+ calories. That means you're only netting 700ish. Eat more. When it says you've earned an extra 700 calories for the day, eat at least some of them back, if not all. You should be netting 1200 calories after exercise at the bare minimum.
  • sassyclassydino
    I try to make my net calories 1500, so I try to eat back what I've exercised. I agree with your analogy. However, my trainer has been saying I've been eating too much and that my diet is the issue since I am clearly working out. :/ I use to be an avid member of eat more to weigh less, but I'm terrified on what he'd say if I started showing my logs with my TDEE cut at 2060 - :/

    I use a fitbit for my calorie loss. I keep track of things on here calorie wise, but use a spreadsheet to help me since the calories burn on MFP tends to not be so accurate.

    Looking at your diary, you're NOT anywhere close to netting 1500 calories. You're eating 1400ish and you're burning 700+ calories. That means you're only netting 700ish. Eat more. When it says you've earned an extra 700 calories for the day, eat at least some of them back, if not all. You should be netting 1200 calories after exercise at the bare minimum.

    I am a pretty sloppy logger, but I do plan on eating more today (I put in the basics first then add as I go, if that makes sense?)

    What makes me curious is my trainer says that I'm eating too much and that my macros are bad. Is that part true?
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member

    Before I can ask for help, I need to explain my situation a little. I will try to be as brief as possible.

    I'm 24 years old, 5'7" and about 164 lb. I use to be 135 lb. I teach in NYC and I love weight lifting and cables, kettlebells, swimming, and dancing.

    In 2010, I began looking into dieting and weight loss. I had never been able to achieve any results, but this time I was determined. Unfortunately, I did so by eating less than 1400 calories a day and exercising every single calorie off (and then some!). Yes, I dropped about 25 lbs in a little over 5 months. Clearly though, that isn't the way. When I took a moment to reanalysis everything, I realized things needed to change, so in late 2011, I began to lift, eating about 1800 calories a day, and adding some cardio in here and there. I went up in weight, but when down in size. I was pretty close to having a flat stomach for the first time in my life, and it even was starting to have signs of muscles.

    In the summer of 2012, when I had successfully achieved a LIFESTYLE (and I mean that sincerely) of eating clean and reasonable, while working out, I finished graduate school and got a job. I became a 5th grade teacher in NYC. It was exciting, but the most stressful year of my life. The first 3 months I barely ate, and then, I ate a ton - gaining every pound back (and then some!).

    Now, I am 164 lb and I'm frustrated.

    So here is where the questions come in.

    In June, I began seeing a personal trainer 3x a week for an hour. I lift weights and do a variety of things (cables, fitness ball, kettlebells, boxing, free weights, squat rack, etc...). Also, I would do cardio 2-3x a week as well.

    I started gaining more weight. And at first I was like, hey this happened last time, no biggie. It might be muscle. But it didn't stop. I learned from my first year of weight loss to not rely TOO much on the scale because it can EAT YOUR LIFE AWAY. I rely mostly on measurements and inches. But nothing has gone down. I've maybe lost half an inch.

    I've been eating clean, lots of protein, but not too much, I've lowered my carbs and fats. I've made a defecit in my calories as well. My trainer says its my diet but isn't telling me what is in my diet that's causing this. I've made adjustments as my trainer recommended. I brought my carbs down to less than 150 g a day. I brought my protein levels up a bit. I'm now eating 1500 a day (which feels low to me, but what do I know -) and still - nothing.

    I want to get back to feeling comfortable in my skin. I use to be a size 4 last year and I'm an 8 now. I'm looking for any advice at all. I was hoping by April (when I'm getting married) to have lost a little weight. I mean, of course I have a goal, but I understand everyone loses at different rates and whatnot. I am just so frustrated and I was hoping that someone could help me out.

    I will say this, I know that low calorie eating is NOT my thing because I got so sick from that. Please keep that advice to yourself.

    Thank you so much to those who can help!!!!!!!

    THIS IS ME!!!! Minus having a personal trainer! I exercise, log daily, and I've gained weight. Nothing I do makes any difference. I do have a huge deficit most days, and always fall below 1000cals net. BUT, I'm afraid to eat more because I'm afraid I'll gain even more! I drink water all day also. I don't have an HRM, but I do have app on my phone that I can input my weight, the exercise i did, and how many minutes I did it, and it will give me cals burned. which, knowing it probalby overestimates, I shave like 100 cals off that total, and that's what log into MFP. I try eating my cals back, but i workout at night, after dinner, so by the time i am done, it's about time to get ready for bed! UGH! I feel you!!!!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I am a pretty sloppy logger, but I do plan on eating more today (I put in the basics first then add as I go, if that makes sense?)

    What makes me curious is my trainer says that I'm eating too much and that my macros are bad. Is that part true?

    Your sodium looks a little high on some days, but not all of them. From what I've seen around the forums, people mostly try to stay under carbs and sodium and always try to meet fat (possibly go over as well), and go over protein and fiber. This is what I do as well.

    If you're eating alot of lean proteins (chicken, pork, turkey,fish) and fruits, veggies, greek yogurt and such, it's easy to hit those macros and meet your calorie goal.

    Your diary didn't look too terrible... nothing really standing out at me except the lack of calories.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member

    I am a pretty sloppy logger, but I do plan on eating more today (I put in the basics first then add as I go, if that makes sense?)

    What makes me curious is my trainer says that I'm eating too much and that my macros are bad. Is that part true?

    Stop being a sloppy logger. Weigh everything. Log accurately. Be patient.
  • sassyclassydino
    I am a pretty sloppy logger, but I do plan on eating more today (I put in the basics first then add as I go, if that makes sense?)

    What makes me curious is my trainer says that I'm eating too much and that my macros are bad. Is that part true?

    Your sodium looks a little high on some days, but not all of them. From what I've seen around the forums, people mostly try to stay under carbs and sodium and always try to meet fat (possibly go over as well), and go over protein and fiber. This is what I do as well.

    If you're eating alot of lean proteins (chicken, pork, turkey,fish) and fruits, veggies, greek yogurt and such, it's easy to hit those macros and meet your calorie goal.

    Your diary didn't look too terrible... nothing really standing out at me except the lack of calories.

    Carbs has been the hardest part. I've been told to stay under 150 g.

    I love the lean proteins. I'm especially a fan of turkey and chicken (and fish when I can get it). Greek yogurt is something I throw in my smoothies all the time - it's wonderful.

    I'm definitely trying to eat more calories, but it's hard when you pay for sessions with a trainer who tells you you're eating too much, you know?
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member

    THIS IS ME!!!! Minus having a personal trainer! I exercise, log daily, and I've gained weight. Nothing I do makes any difference. I do have a huge deficit most days, and always fall below 1000cals net. BUT, I'm afraid to eat more because I'm afraid I'll gain even more! I drink water all day also. I don't have an HRM, but I do have app on my phone that I can input my weight, the exercise i did, and how many minutes I did it, and it will give me cals burned. which, knowing it probalby overestimates, I shave like 100 cals off that total, and that's what log into MFP. I try eating my cals back, but i workout at night, after dinner, so by the time i am done, it's about time to get ready for bed! UGH! I feel you!!!!

    Don't be scared of calories. Eat the food your body needs. You're doing your body more harm than good by doing this. You can lose weight eating the right amount of calories.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member

    Carbs has been the hardest part. I've been told to stay under 150 g.

    I love the lean proteins. I'm especially a fan of turkey and chicken (and fish when I can get it). Greek yogurt is something I throw in my smoothies all the time - it's wonderful.

    I'm definitely trying to eat more calories, but it's hard when you pay for sessions with a trainer who tells you you're eating too much, you know?

    I totally understand. I was scared when I upped my calories too. But after a week, I felt much happier, satisfied and I was still losing weight. It's hard to believe that eating more would help that much, but it really does. You'll be pleasantly surprised.
  • sassyclassydino

    Carbs has been the hardest part. I've been told to stay under 150 g.

    I love the lean proteins. I'm especially a fan of turkey and chicken (and fish when I can get it). Greek yogurt is something I throw in my smoothies all the time - it's wonderful.

    I'm definitely trying to eat more calories, but it's hard when you pay for sessions with a trainer who tells you you're eating too much, you know?

    I totally understand. I was scared when I upped my calories too. But after a week, I felt much happier, satisfied and I was still losing weight. It's hard to believe that eating more would help that much, but it really does. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

    Thank you for your kind, respectful, and helpful advice. (Seriously, I hate when people are rude when all I'm honestly looking for is help.)

    I use to be able to eat more, but now I have become so self-conscious, it's been difficult and I'm struggling every day with conflicting points of view. My appetite itself has been down, probably due to depression, but I'll hopefully find a way to continue to up my calories to a more realistic amount.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member

    THIS IS ME!!!! Minus having a personal trainer! I exercise, log daily, and I've gained weight. Nothing I do makes any difference. I do have a huge deficit most days, and always fall below 1000cals net. BUT, I'm afraid to eat more because I'm afraid I'll gain even more! I drink water all day also. I don't have an HRM, but I do have app on my phone that I can input my weight, the exercise i did, and how many minutes I did it, and it will give me cals burned. which, knowing it probalby overestimates, I shave like 100 cals off that total, and that's what log into MFP. I try eating my cals back, but i workout at night, after dinner, so by the time i am done, it's about time to get ready for bed! UGH! I feel you!!!!

    Don't be scared of calories. Eat the food your body needs. You're doing your body more harm than good by doing this. You can lose weight eating the right amount of calories.

    I know.... I just have no idea how many calories my body needs. I just know that I am hungry a lot. Like today for example.....if you look at my diary so's decent except for the bacon. But by like 3pm I was pretty hungry! So frustrated!
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member

    Carbs has been the hardest part. I've been told to stay under 150 g.

    I love the lean proteins. I'm especially a fan of turkey and chicken (and fish when I can get it). Greek yogurt is something I throw in my smoothies all the time - it's wonderful.

    I'm definitely trying to eat more calories, but it's hard when you pay for sessions with a trainer who tells you you're eating too much, you know?

    I totally understand. I was scared when I upped my calories too. But after a week, I felt much happier, satisfied and I was still losing weight. It's hard to believe that eating more would help that much, but it really does. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

    Thank you for your kind, respectful, and helpful advice. (Seriously, I hate when people are rude when all I'm honestly looking for is help.)

    I use to be able to eat more, but now I have become so self-conscious, it's been difficult and I'm struggling every day with conflicting points of view. My appetite itself has been down, probably due to depression, but I'll hopefully find a way to continue to up my calories to a more realistic amount. too! The whole self conscious part and being afraid! I do workout hard and it seems to be for nothing! And I can't just keep to yo yo'ing my calories either!
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Just from looking at your food diary perhaps lower carb intake to less than 120g and up your protein to a minimum of 100g. Your sugar (even though lots of it is natural from fruit etc) looks to always go over and sodium is quite high.

    After a plateau of 12 months (and I'm a teacher too!!!) I finally made some changes/slight adjustments to my already very healthy diet and all I did was lower carbs to under 120g, upped my protein to 130-160g and watch my sugar and sodium levels...

    I use Stevia for sugar instead & I only eat 1/2 banana, 30-50g blueberries & a few strawberries or raspberries daily to ensure I'm getting my fruit but not going overboard.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    Just from looking at your food diary perhaps lower carb intake to less than 120g and up your protein to a minimum of 100g. Your sugar (even though lots of it is natural from fruit etc) looks to always go over and sodium is quite high.

    After a plateau of 12 months (and I'm a teacher too!!!) I finally made some changes/slight adjustments to my already very healthy diet and all I did was lower carbs to under 120g, upped my protein to 130-160g and watch my sugar and sodium levels...

    I use Stevia for sugar instead & I only eat 1/2 banana, 30-50g blueberries & a few strawberries or raspberries daily to ensure I'm getting my fruit but not going overboard.

    Any ideas for how to get more protein? I so love peanut butter but don't want to go overboard with it! Lol
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    Moar protein ? Eggs, tuna, whey protein drinks.

    To the Op, look into IF... But as other people have said, net 1500 cals (ie eat back exercise cals).
  • ShannonKN
    ShannonKN Posts: 152 Member
    Not all trainers are created equal. This thread, active right now, gives a great example of a misguided trainer:

    Hang in there! :flowerforyou: