What is wrong with me....



  • cali_flower
    cali_flower Posts: 25 Member
    Yah I've done it. A month of so ago I decided to cut out cheezies. I love them but they have no nuturional value and have around 2000 calories a bag. I've been craving them for a week now. Yesterday I bought a huge bag, and ate half of it while watching my favourite show.

    I've decided that I will allow myself to have cheezies once a month. So I can have them now until the bag runs out and then I'll have to wait until next month to have them again.

    2000 calories / 30 days is 66 extra calories a day - that's not bad. It's much better than having cheezies every day like I used to have.
  • IanBee93
    IanBee93 Posts: 237
    Maybe you should stop buying chocolates and sweets, altogether.
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