Exercising with a bad back

Hi all,

In association with losing some weight, I'd also like to strengthen my core a bit and tone up my stomach. However I have a bit of a bad back and so can't really do sit-ups or crunches. I have been doing forward and side planks instead. I was wondering if anyone knows how many calories you burn doing x seconds of planks and whether they are any good at toning the abdominals?
I also do an exercise, the name of which I don't know, which involves lying on your back and then lifting one leg as high as possible for as long as possible, with the other flat on the ground - does anyone know what this is called, how many calories it burns and whether it is good for any muscles besides the back?




  • Trace66xx
    Trace66xx Posts: 15 Member
    I started Yoga back in March, its brilliant for a bad back and great for strengthening the core, and yes side planks are excellent for abs. Any planks are good for abs and back strengthening, ever tried pulsing a side plank? whoah its hard but good :-) Laying on your front and lifting one arm & the alternate leg for a few seconds and repeating is also great for the back. Left arm, right leg etc. Good luck in whatever you find to do
  • Thanks for your advice. May I ask what a pulsing side plank is?
  • RoryKK
    RoryKK Posts: 2
    Hey Anthony
    It would be good to get that back sorted out before pushing yourself too much with exercise. It could get worse and that would not be helpful in achieving your goals. Dont do anything that causes pain in the back although it seems you may be avoiding this.
    Well done on working around it so far but wouldnt it be great if you could eliminate it all together. Yoga or some stretching might help.

    Rory K
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Hi all,

    In association with losing some weight, I'd also like to strengthen my core a bit and tone up my stomach. However I have a bit of a bad back and so can't really do sit-ups or crunches. I have been doing forward and side planks instead. I was wondering if anyone knows how many calories you burn doing x seconds of planks and whether they are any good at toning the abdominals?
    I also do an exercise, the name of which I don't know, which involves lying on your back and then lifting one leg as high as possible for as long as possible, with the other flat on the ground - does anyone know what this is called, how many calories it burns and whether it is good for any muscles besides the back?



    The exercise you are doing with the leg raises sounds like one I did in physical therapy for my bad back. Have you done any physical therapy for yours? All of the movements your PT would have given you work towards strengthening your core and surrounding back muscles. I found out it's the muscles that keep us upright and able to move and if they are weak, our back will be weak also.

    Someone mentioned YOGA ... and that is a very good exercise style but be careful of twisting motions .... your best bet would be to work with someone who is knowledgable about bad backs and exercise to work up a routine you could do at home. When it comes to bad backs ... you're better off with customized approaches rather than generic ones. Good Luck