
Does anyone know how to de-plate properly? Do I just lower the weights until I can do 12 reps with last reps a strain? Need to give body a break from the heavy lifting, feeling it in my joints.


  • keithwp99
    keithwp99 Posts: 83 Member

    You should be baking in a deload (deplate) week every forth week of your training cycle. How much depends on you and the program you are following.

    I've started following Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 program and been running that the past 4 mos. This is the first real program I've followed. I am very satisfied and recommend it for those looking at strength programs. He has the mandatory deload week. I was antsy at first but have found that to be very helpful in reducing fatigue and still making gains in the main lifts.
  • CharlieCharlie007
    CharlieCharlie007 Posts: 246 Member
    I will look into it, thank you.