Hello! Looking for friends on Fitness Pal to Inspire Me.

Hi Everyone! I'm 32 y/o mom who somehow gained 70 lbs over the past 7 years (I think it was probably the mexican food and beer haha). I have recently lost 23 lbs but everytime I see a picture of me it looks like I have lost nothing. I go to the gym 6 days a week, have a physical trainer, and eat well. Why does it take so long to see results? I mean I can wear smaller clothing, but when I look at myself or the scale it is so discouraging. Shouldn't all the busting butt I am doing pay off? Does anyone else feel like this? Lol maybe I am just crazy. Anyway, looking to make friends on here to help inspire me and hold me accountable.


  • marianomiller
    marianomiller Posts: 5 Member
    Hello I am married with three grown kids. I recently quit smoking so of course I gained some pounds. Well now I'm trying to get it all together at a rip old age of 52. Ok I'm wishing everyone that joins luck and I also would like to add that I've seen an amazing taco salad going around on facebook and what you can do is just put a lot more salad in it. Also I've found 2 sites. www.allrecipies.com and www.recipies.com I've been looking up a lot of different thing to eat such as smoothies and they have so much more to offer. I have found that diet sugars and soda are not healthy. I drink a lot of lemon water and plain water. I try not to reward myself with food.
  • Jen8781
    Jen8781 Posts: 22 Member
    I find it hard too, cutting back on the food, fitting in the gym and it all comes off so slowly. I'm motivated by the fact my clothes fit me better and I feel a bit more comfortable in my own skin. Need to lose another stone and a bit until I feel completely ok. Used to be over 17 stone in my teens and recently got back up to 12 and a half stone. It's slow going but in 6 months time, we'll be pleased we kept it up!
  • Jen8781
    Jen8781 Posts: 22 Member
    And don't forget muscle is denser than fat, so the scales won't change as much but the body measurements will if you're doing lots of exercise :)