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No Food, Just Ice & Water for 3 days( Day 2)

Checking in with everyone .:flowerforyou:

So it is day 2 of my Water Fasting . Time is going by quick . Monday will be here before I know it.

Much time has been spent meditating , and doing yoga.
Of course I am still keeping up with my home, doing lite cleaning ,
and taking care of my Hubby and Daughter. My energy level is still up.
Not as high as usuall .. but I do not feel like I have to lay in bed all day or anything.:laugh:

Contrary to what other have said. I do not feel week in body.
I have not had a headache (yet :huh: ) . No moodiness at all.
I did have a little bit of heartburn last night, but that quickly went away.

This has been a great spiritual expierence for me. I feel more focused
already, on day number 2 . I would not recommend for anyone else to water fast unless they research it. and know the good and bad of what you are doing.
Do not water fast to lose weight! Because as a lot of people said, the pounds can come back on.
I have fasted before, with great success.
It is a good opportunity to take your mind off Food, and more onto clearling your mind and body of negative things.

It's not for every one, and I know some people are very against it.
So far I am feeling great.. :heart: :smooched:


  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    I have been contemplating doing this as a cleanse, i believe water is the best body cleanser. also the focus and like you said clearing the negativity from the mind is a great thing. I do meditation at least daily and follow that with positive thinking exercise, works wonders. :flowerforyou: