Help! Weight loss plateau

I've hit a weight loss plateau. I'm still eating good. Still working out 4-5 a week. Not weekends. Running treadmill 4 miles a day. Not skipping meals,staying hydrated. Any suggestions to lose this last 20lbs?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Logging food? How many calories per day?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I've hit a weight loss plateau. I'm still eating good. Still working out 4-5 a week. Not weekends. Running treadmill 4 miles a day. Not skipping meals,staying hydrated. Any suggestions to lose this last 20lbs?

    Do you weigh your food?
  • Teabythesea_
    Teabythesea_ Posts: 559 Member
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    Are you using a food scale to weigh all your food?
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    how long have you been at this "plateau"?
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    I am not at all sure if this explains why I really never had a plateau (- nearly 50 pounds over 6 months), but I kept adjusting my exercise. I started out just riding my horse. Then, I added the rowing machine 5-6 days a week. A month or so later, I added weights 3 x per week (I kept rowing, but reduced the time on weight days). Then, about a month later, I added pool exercises on my recovery day from weights (again, kept rowing on those days, but reduced the time). Net, is that I upped exercise every 4-6 weeks. Again, not sure that it had anything to do with avoiding a plateau, but I did not have one.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,883 Member
    jan110144 wrote: »
    I am not at all sure if this explains why I really never had a plateau (- nearly 50 pounds over 6 months), but I kept adjusting my exercise. I started out just riding my horse. Then, I added the rowing machine 5-6 days a week. A month or so later, I added weights 3 x per week (I kept rowing, but reduced the time on weight days). Then, about a month later, I added pool exercises on my recovery day from weights (again, kept rowing on those days, but reduced the time). Net, is that I upped exercise every 4-6 weeks. Again, not sure that it had anything to do with avoiding a plateau, but I did not have one.

    It's complicated. I never had a plateau or stall in the process of losing around 50 pounds in about 8 months, and I didn't significantly change my exercise or the types of food I was eating, anywhere along the line. The only notable change I made was start slowly increasing calories in later stages to keep my weight loss rate at a sensibly moderate level, as I got closer to goal. Some people seem to have stalls, some don't. I have no idea why.