When to stop bulk/cut and maintain?

If you do or did bulk and cut cycles how do you know when to switch over to maintenance? Or do you switch to maintenance?

I’m really struggling with this decision and would like to hear how others decided who have been here. I’m a 39 year old woman who has done a few cycles now. I’ve definitely added some muscle, though admittedly not as much as I’d hoped when this process started. It is hard as a woman, especially over 35, to gain muscle mass! Transitioning back to cut this last time was so much harder. I really struggled. I maintained for a few months and then transitioned because I really felt like I was failing initially. Now I’m cutting again and am finally (started transitioning back to cut in October) feeling ok with reduced calories, my macro balance, and energy level. The fact that it was so hard this time really has me wondering if I should just switch to maintenance after I lean out a little more and stop with cycling all together.

Full disclosure- I’ve only done two bulk cycles. Both lasted about 4 months. The first one was easy for me. I decided to try cycling because recomp is such a slow process and I really wanted to put on muscle mass. I am in recovery though for an eating disorder and this second cycle also triggered my old thinking.


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    In your case, it sounds like it will not be a good fit for you to run more cycles due to your struggles and it being triggering. I would recommend maintaining for now.

    For me personally, I am maintaining after 3 bulk/cut cycles. I decided not to run another bulk this year just because I am pretty satisfied at this point with my physique. Also I kind of needed a break to regroup, think about my goals and really take a good look at areas that need improvement. I would like to do a few more cycles, maybe in 2020 or something, no rush.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    Thank you. I think you’re right. I just needed someone else to say it. I’m going to complete this cut cycle then move into maintenance, at least for awhile. I can always reasses later