Bingo wing busting exercises

I want rid of my bingo wings but have no bloody idea how to do it. I know obviously good diet, cardio and arm exercises but I'm a bit vague on the arm exercises bit. I have a gym membership and a set of 3 pairs of weights at my disposal but I don't have the knowledge of the type of exercises I need. If anyone knows of specific weight machines to use at the gym or exercises that I can use my weights for that'd be great! Tried and tested youtube video demonstrations of how to do the exercise would also be awesome or just a specific exercise name for me to google.

These are my weights. They come in sets of 0.68kg, 1.13kg and 2.3kg


  • libranpixi
    libranpixi Posts: 6 Member
    I've just started lifting weights and one of my favourite sites is Workout Labs:

    The site is based around being able to print out a sheet of exercises that you can pin up and follow. They have preset workouts for specific areas and you also have the ability to create your own workout and print it out.

    I love it!!

    Take some time to explore the site as it shows details of each of the exercises, how to do them effectively, lets you know which muscle groups you will be working and lets you pick exercises based on which muscle groups you want to work on.

    For the past three weeks I have been following a plan that I put together myself, I do 5 sets of 5 exercises for 5-10 reps depending on the exercise. I've been doing this three times a week and my arms are looking so much better!!!

    I also do 20 mins on my stationary bike before I do them and 10 minutes after to help with the fat burn. I used to hate working out but I love this!!

  • Thanks! I'll check it out tomorrow at a more reasonable hour. Don't know where you live but it's bed time in Britain. :)