Help, the last 10 lbs are not leaving!!!!!!

Rquigge Posts: 14 Member
Ok, so! I have been dieting for 10 monthes. I have lost around 78 lbs. I am down to 14%'ish body fat. I'm 5'10" 190 lbs.
I was 268 lbs and about 32% body fat.
Heres the problem. I have been 190 lbs for the last 2 monthes. I weigh every morning to see the fluctuation. I'll be 190, 191, 192, 191, 192,190, 190.5. 192. You get the idea.
I can not for the life of me lose the last 10 lbs I can just start seeing my abbs. And I really want to get rid of my little pudge that's left.
Please help.9ejc8ggv0jmz.jpg
