Looking for new people for motivation and suggestions

Hello new too this first time getting on track and need to make a commitment to eating better which I’m doing great at ... hope to add new friends please don’t be shy ladies add me and fellas for support my goal is weight loss


  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,443 Member
    Here is the link to the February, 2019 UAC group https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/130876-ultimate-accountability-challenge-february-2019

    New members are accepted up till the 7th of the month - then the group becomes private until ~ a week before the start of the next month. It is a very welcoming and supportive group.

    It is a great place to develop self-awareness / accountably habits and shift yourself towards a new sustainable lifestyle. Works no matter what your food plan, exercise strategy, or where you are on your journey (everyone from just starting to nearing goal weight to maintaining for years now)

    We have a raft of brand new members also starting this month, a crew that are only on their second month with us, and more than enough olde-timers who can guide you through your transition period.

    Hope to see you there.