Over 40 female 5ft 2

I’ve started a group here before but can’t find it!
But would like to start up a group of likeminded folk.
I’m 13st 11, and short.
I’ve terrible will power, get stressed easy and live with someone who eats and drinks like a horse and is fit as a fiddle!! So temptation is huge!! I work a fairly physical job but I eat like a giant. I’m always tired and by the time I finish work at 530pm(start 730am) I’m tired and have to cook dinner( my partner doesn’t cook and won’t eat “rabbit” food, he’s not massively supportive or sympathetic and thinks I should have willpower and not expect him to help!!)
So I’ve to doubly work on it!
My biggest sacrifice will be cutting out alcohol, cheese and chocolate and butter! And I smoke like 15 a day esp if I get stressed.
Any way less moaning from me and anyone that would like to join and support each other let me know or comment!!


  • RoxyWhoShrinkyDink
    40, 5'2", currently 216 pounds. My roommate is not remotely fit, but he doesn't care so he is no help. My son is autistic, so food is difficult. I teach autistic 4 and 5 year olds, so my job is exhausting. I then have to come home and do everything here as my roommate does nothing. I do not cook for my roommate usually, but I often end up needing to cook 2 different things for myself and my son to get something that fits my plan for me and something he is willing to eat for him. I do not drink, I recently stopped vaping. I refuse to cut out cheese entirely, I just have to make it fit in my calories. Chocolate is harder to fit in though. I REALLY want some peppermint ice cream, but most days I manage to avoid it.

    Feel free to add me if you like.