Been here about a week, but hello. :]

xxgoriexx Posts: 39
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Just thought I'd drop in and introduce myself.

I won't give away my real name, but you can call me Gorie. I'm 23 years old, grew up outside of D.C., married into the Navy (though the hubby's medically retired - full pension since it was the Navy's fault - no details, sorry, haha), and now live somewhere abouts the Portland area.

I've struggled with weight my whole life, as I know many other people here have. My parents are both heavy, and have been for as long as I can remember, although they were both fit and slim before they started their family (my old sister was their "wonderful surprise"). Afterwards, as we were incredibly impoverished as I was growing up, we relied on seriously cheap food and really had nothing to do (although we could have gone outside to play around, and I did until I reached 11 years old). My parents both had 2 jobs, so they were never really around, and I just ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and however much I wanted. When I was about 13 years old, I started becoming chubbier and chubbier, until I was about 135lbs my senior year of high school (I was on colorguard for 4 years, but as that was only part of the year, it didn't do me much good the other 3/4ths of the year), which for a 5'3" girl is on the heavier side. And then when I got to college, depression and anxiety set in, and my weight sky-rocketed to 175lbs.

After I was diagnosed (incorrectly) with depression, I started getting my weight under control. I started exercising and was able to get my weight down to my recommended ("ideal") 115lbs - and I stayed there until last summer when I ran away and got married. Things were just hectic and I had no means of exercise and was living off of what my husband could provide (he wasn't retired until Dec. 30th 2010, we married in June 2010), which was basically pizza, oreos, and candy.

So after getting back up to about 130lbs, I decided to get myself back into shape no matter what it took. I'm back down to about 115lbs now, but I want to loose another 5-10lbs, and I really don't care if people think that's too low. :] Not to sound cocky or anything, but that's where I want to be.

Nice to meet you all. <3
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