Gastritis/Celiac/SIBO - anyone?

Looking for some general input. I'm getting frustrated with Doctors, and have decided that I need to do my own research to figure this out, rather than put 100% trust in someone who looks at the common factors and dismisses everything else.

In short, I had some stomach issues last year. Pretty much not IBS - I don't have the classic symptoms, but was thought to be, by the doctors, either spasms or acid issues - gastritis.

It pretty much seemed to let up for close to a year, with only minor discomfort. However, I have lived with, for over a year now, constant tenderness/soreness in the belly button area. it just varies as to what degree and how sore depending on the day.

Forward to a week ago - actually over. I'm thinking it was Friday or Saturday, but it's becoming a blur now. I was having intense stomach pains, to the point I was taking Pain killers to just make it through the night. I'm not a pain killer person either. I generally don't take them after surgeries - maybe 1-3 TOPS. So it takes a LOT for me to take one. Yet for 4 days in a row, I was taking them at least once a day. I should have taken them more, but I have a little girl, and didn't want to be out of it while watching her during the day, so I only took them to help me sleep at night.

Over the course of the week, the first days were the worst, but it seemed to SLOWLY improve, and I actually had one or 2 days where I could function almost normally. Finally, I decided it had gone on long enough, and even though it seemed to be getting a little better, I went to the ER to find out what the heck was going on. what a waste. They ran NO TESTS - other than the general blood work. Once the blood work came back fine, they basically said "it's not serious, go home and follow up with your Doctor" thanks a whole heck of a lot.

It seems to be intensified after I eat, the pain tonight, after a bowl of cereal with almond milk, was through the roof. I was curled in a ball on the chair with tears coming out of my eyes and breathing like I did when I was in labor with my daughter from the intense pain. She (5 yrs Old) started crying and ran to get my husband saying "Daddy - DADDDY! you have to come and see MOMMMY!" he ended up taking her to the other room to try to calm her down. it was the first she saw that, I've been able to keep most of it under control around her. Nothing can touch my abdomen without it being painful. This just doesn't seem RIGHT to me. I'm tired of getting the run around. From what I have heard of IBS it's not like THIS. I've heard gastritis can be painful, but is this a real scenario? It hurts to take a deep breath, and so I've been breathing shallowly since this happened tonight. I'm going on 10 days dealing with this.

I called my Dr but he was out today, waiting to hear back tomorrow. I just don't have a lot of faith in him, as when he did an endoscopy procedure last year, and found stomach polyps, he never took the scope down to where the pain was (around the belly/duodenum area)

If this is just gastritis, and it's normal to be in this much pain, I guess I'll just deal with it. Earlier today, after lunch, I had another attack but in this case, it felt like someone grabbed two sides of my stomach and literally ripped them apart. Yeah, that left me in tears too.

Anyhow - what I am wondering is, if anyone has had any of the things mentioned in the title, and if so, if this sounds like it could be those. If so, I'm going to ask SPECIFICALLY for these tests - and not leave it to guess work. Anyone have any input?

ETA - I do not have my gall bladder anymore - gone for over 10 years - so it's not that... (this seems to be the first thought of most doctors)

thank you!



  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    If you can get your doctor to refer you to a gastroenterologist they would probably be the most helpful in tracking down whatever is going on. You will still need to be very aware and follow up leads on your own, especially if it seems the doctor isn't pursuing things the way you want. I've known celiacs that have taken YEARS to get a diagnosis because the doctors just didn't know what to look for. In the meantime, you may want to try eliminating the main allergen causing foods for several weeks. Wheat (including gluten), corn, soy, eggs, dairy, nuts and shellfish are the big ones off the top of my head. I know for myself cutting gluten helped a lot but I continued to have sometimes severe stomach pain until I cut all grains. I haven't tried adding any back in yet to determine which one was really the issue but I suspect it's corn. :(

    If you have an ulcer it's important to watch things like alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods and that kind of thing. Good luck and I hope you can get it figured out.
  • If you can get your doctor to refer you to a gastroenterologist they would probably be the most helpful in tracking down whatever is going on. You will still need to be very aware and follow up leads on your own, especially if it seems the doctor isn't pursuing things the way you want. I've known celiacs that have taken YEARS to get a diagnosis because the doctors just didn't know what to look for. In the meantime, you may want to try eliminating the main allergen causing foods for several weeks. Wheat (including gluten), corn, soy, eggs, dairy, nuts and shellfish are the big ones off the top of my head. I know for myself cutting gluten helped a lot but I continued to have sometimes severe stomach pain until I cut all grains. I haven't tried adding any back in yet to determine which one was really the issue but I suspect it's corn. :(

    If you have an ulcer it's important to watch things like alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods and that kind of thing. Good luck and I hope you can get it figured out.

    Thank you SO much - the 2 drs I called from last year, were actually the surgeon who did the endoscopy and the Gastroenterologist. It doesn't sound like either of them tested for celiac - and I don't know that I have it - but I am getting suspicious. last year I went on the paleo diet for a couple weeks. My stomach bloat went way down and I dropped like 9 lbs in 2 weeks. I suspected something with Gluten, but since it has been tolerable except for these bad flareups, I have been dismissing it. I guess I felt that if it was Celiac or something else, that the symptoms would be consistent - aside from the sore tummy, that is the only ongoing symptom except for the major flare ups.

    I've also had 3 miscarriages (the last one was just recently, about 2 weeks ago) and I am reading that this is a common problem with Celiac disease, which is distressing as well :( I just really want to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible, which is why I am doing my own research so I can push things along rather than drag them out any more. A year is long enough I think.

    thank you again!
  • gfreerunner
    gfreerunner Posts: 14 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear of your pain and troubles. Definitely insist on getting tested for celiac, you have many signs that point in that direction. It is important to keep eating gluten if you are going to be tested, or the tests will show nothing! IF you don't get a diagnosis, you can try further testing, or try an elimination diet and see how you do.

    Since you had a recent miscarriage (SO sorry for your loss), be sure you don't have any infection or residual problem from that causing your abdominal pain.

    I've got celiac, my symptoms also involved a very tender abdomen near the belly button. And lots of neurological problems, not just digestive trouble. My life is SO much better now that I am taking care of myself and on a healthy gluten free diet. Good luck!
  • I'm so sorry to hear of your pain and troubles. Definitely insist on getting tested for celiac, you have many signs that point in that direction. It is important to keep eating gluten if you are going to be tested, or the tests will show nothing! IF you don't get a diagnosis, you can try further testing, or try an elimination diet and see how you do.

    Since you had a recent miscarriage (SO sorry for your loss), be sure you don't have any infection or residual problem from that causing your abdominal pain.

    I've got celiac, my symptoms also involved a very tender abdomen near the belly button. And lots of neurological problems, not just digestive trouble. My life is SO much better now that I am taking care of myself and on a healthy gluten free diet. Good luck!

    Thank you. I don't think it's related to the miscarriage - unless just having it somehow triggered the flare up. The area of the pain and where it has been has been stomach and or small bowel, which is way north of the cervix/uterus. I had a D&C about 2.5 weeks ago and I think things are ok from that. I do wonder if the stress/anxiety etc of that somehow brought this flareup on.

    In any event, it's now 2:30 am, and the pain is not letting me sleep. Can't lay flat or even on my side, so sitting in the chair it is. I'm actually debating eating NOTHING tomorrow, as I don't know what would be safe and pain free. Wonder how long the body can survive on zero food? I thought about protein shakes, but I just don't know what will trigger it or not. Might be implementating a starvation diet (HA HA) until I can get in with a knowledgeable Dr. I'm currently done with food.

    thanks again!