Personal training etiquette - when one of you is sick

Do you keep your session? My trainer was clearly down for the count last week. He kept out session but maintained a distance and didn’t make any physical adjustments or handle equipment directly. He has body aches, fever and was congested. Canceled a few sessions but kept mine. This was last Monday. Saturday I started feeling crappy. Had a session Tuesday that I pushed through and then was really sick yesterday. It’s just a bad cold, not the flu but I told him and he was ok to train again today. I’m not sneezing all over the place but I’m definitely congested. What’s proper etiquette for when you’re not sick enough to stay home, but definitely have a cold or some other illness? We wiped down all the equipment with Clorox wipes after we were done but should we have just rescheduled the sessions?


  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Did he tell you he was sick prior to your session? Even if you found out once you got there I would've cancelled so as to avoid getting sick. Once you were sick, too, I'd have cancelled the next session and worked out at home.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    You don't have to touch someone with a respiratory illness to exchange germs. Depending on the illness being within 3 to 7 feet of their breathing is enough. Sounds like your trainer got you sick. Ideally neither one of you should be out giving your germs to others.
  • Phirrgus
    Phirrgus Posts: 1,894 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Did he tell you he was sick prior to your session? Even if you found out once you got there I would've cancelled so as to avoid getting sick. Once you were sick, too, I'd have cancelled the next session and worked out at home.
    This. If I know it's coming I'll try to give as much notice as possible so whoever has time to get someone else into that time slot. Just as a courtesy. But I won't go in "just because".
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    hollyhom wrote: »
    Do you keep your session? My trainer was clearly down for the count last week. He kept out session but maintained a distance and didn’t make any physical adjustments or handle equipment directly. He has body aches, fever and was congested. Canceled a few sessions but kept mine. This was last Monday. Saturday I started feeling crappy. Had a session Tuesday that I pushed through and then was really sick yesterday. It’s just a bad cold, not the flu but I told him and he was ok to train again today. I’m not sneezing all over the place but I’m definitely congested. What’s proper etiquette for when you’re not sick enough to stay home, but definitely have a cold or some other illness? We wiped down all the equipment with Clorox wipes after we were done but should we have just rescheduled the sessions?

    That doesn't account for airborne viruses. By going, you are not only exposing each other but others at the gym at well. So yes, I think you should have rescheduled.

    I swear I never get sick so often as when attending a commercial gym regularly even with wiping down equipment and hand washing.
  • Jambalady
    Jambalady Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks. I’ll keep my germs to myself next time and ask for a reschedule if the trainer is sick. For the record, I did not know he was sick until I got to the session.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    hollyhom wrote: »
    Thanks. I’ll keep my germs to myself next time and ask for a reschedule if the trainer is sick. For the record, I did not know he was sick until I got to the session.

    That's a bad call on his part. If it was a case where gym management wouldn't support his staying home, he should have at least given you a heads up and let you make the call, or gotten another trainer to fill in. He had a fever, which meant he was contagious.
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    edited February 2019
    Back when I was boxing the sick rule was pretty straight forward:
    If it's contagious - training NOT allowed
    If it's below the neck (chest, joints, etc) - training NOT allowed
    If it's above the neck (throat, sinus, head, etc) training IS allowed

    Note that training is allowed, not required. If you don't want to train because of a headache then you shouldn't train but if you want to train and feel up for it then a headache shouldn't stop you.
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    Momepro wrote: »
    Unfortunately, they probably don't have much choice in coming to work sick. You don't work, you don't get paid. You don't get paid you don't have money for rent and food. Especially when it's a commision based or barely over minimum wage job, (which if he's connected a gym rather than completely independent is most likely). Seriously sucks, because you are contaminating everyone and being actually sick longer, but your kids gotta eat.

    Yup. This. He SHOULD have cancelled when he was sick. But I can understand why he didn't want to. Every session he cancels is money out his pocket that he will likely never get back. It makes it very tempting to try to work through.