Anyone doing 4HB?

I'm not usually very good with forums (too shy - ha!) but it would be good to share some support along the way this time. Me and my husband have been doing 4HB for the past two weeks and although we've been sticking it to it rigidly I've actually put on a kg! It's only been 2 days since cheat day though, so perhaps that issue will iron itself out in a few days.

Good luck all :)


  • Hi i'm on day 2 of the 5.2 diet. Would love to here from people who are doing the same. Today is a fasting day any great tips on how to get through the day? 500 calories later for tea. Seems like a long time away. :(
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Jenwise, what's 4HB, could youu tell us a bit more about it?

    Biggirl there's lots of info about 5:2ing on here - if you use the "search" function you'll find some recent discussion threads, as well as 2 groups dedicated to it.
  • Tigermum9
    Tigermum9 Posts: 546 Member
    \I have never heard of this?
  • Lialena
    Lialena Posts: 45 Member
    4 Hour Body? I read the book, but decided slow carb wasn't for me. I did find some of the tips in the book interesting, such as the ice baths (not that I could bring myself to do it).

    For anyone thinking about trying this, the book is a good read, but be prepared that Tim Ferris' writing style leaves something to be desired, you have to sit through a fair bit of anecdotes to get to the usable information. From what I've observed most people either love his information and presentation, or don't. Check out the blog first before you buy.
  • hararayne
    hararayne Posts: 261 Member
    Four Hour Body? Basically it's a low carb diet with a cheat day. I attempted that diet for about two weeks but lack of carbs gives me migraines. Absolutely splitting headaches where I couldn't work. I also didn't lose anything on it.

    If you did well on Atkins but found yourself messing up, 4HB could be great for you. I'm currently doing something like the 5:2 diet. It uses intermittent fasting, but doesn't prescribe strictly to the 5:2 ratio. You can simply stick to your calories every day, or if you "mess up" or are trying to plan for a big meal/party etc, you fast before or after to give yourself a larger calorie allotment.

    I think Tim Ferris is incredible. I really enjoyed his book. I also read "Cheat to Lose" which is very similar but perhaps a little more lay person written. I just couldn't stick to his plan long term. I think I will be able to stick to 5:2 long term, since I have been attempting to do that and have for the last 7 weeks. I've been logging religiously. This is the first week though that staying within calories has been doable, easily. This is because I discovered that drinking tea immensely helps my food cravings!

    You will find with 4HB that drinking tea can be very helpful as well. With any diet, you have to cut calories and increase movement for it to work. With low carb like Atkins, Cheat2Lose, and 4HB, you are still decreasing calories, simply by not allowing yourself a huge food group. I would say that Paleo and Makers Diet have somewhat of a similar idea to those 3 as well.

    As for your weight gain, it definitely can be from your cheat day. Typically on cheat day you will indulge in higher salt content foods. I know I did. This means major water weight and this would come off by the end of the week. However, with the headaches and initial gains, it seemed like I never made any headway during the two weeks I did it. So I stopped and began researcing other things. No carbs to very little carbs just really doesn't work for me.
  • Yes, sorry, it's The Four-Hour Body :)

    I've actually written an overview of the diet and its principles on a blog if anyone wants to read it, but I'm not sure if you're allowed to put links into posts?

    I find it pretty easy to follow for the most part because I need strict guidelines to keep me in check, but as we're travelling around the world at the moment it can get tricky... especially as we're in Thailand at the moment where food is either served with rice or noodles! It's just a motivation killer when you're following something faithfully and you're not seeing the results. But I give up too easily on these things so I'm going to give it a month and see how it goes...
  • hararayne
    hararayne Posts: 261 Member
    I believe you can put links onto posts of articles, but not if it promotes you or a site that competes with MFP. Since those things get a little fuzzy, I'd just recommend people read the book, or look up the basics themselves.

    People post articles all the time and debate them, and that is usually fine, but I'm not sure about posting something you, yourself have written.

    I admire your resolve. When I'm put into strict guidelines I feel like I'm going nuts and just obsess about food. Especially grilled cheese sandwiches. and pizza. and fruit snacks. Oddly enough, right now, I'm not obsessing because I've stopped making those things off limits. (though pizza can be hard to fit in sometimes!)
  • HLSalter
    HLSalter Posts: 260
    I tried 4HB but it was way too intense for me :) Good luck with it, hope all goes well!