Does your family know you’re “dieting”?

I’m back to tracking my food to lose a little holiday weight but mostly to eat healthier and improve my running. I just got my husband to rejoin MFP because he does need to lose more weight for health reasons. Whenever we go visit his family, it is usually a weekend of super unhealthy eating (very carb heavy, big meals, lots of snacking and eating out). I know if I say I am watching what I eat, they will tell me I don’t need to lose weight, blah blah blah, but it’s not really about the weight loss and my husband does actually need to lose weight. I don’t know if they would be supportive or know what to do if we said we were on a “diet” (we know it’s a lifestyle change but to them I’m sure it would be perceived as a diet).

How have you gone about discussing your new eating habits with your extended family, etc.? Do they know about MFP? Or do you just call the weekend a wash and regroup with better habits the next day?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Can you not just politely decline snacks and order things that won't blow your calorie goal when you go out?
  • asochable
    asochable Posts: 43 Member
    @TavistockToad Yes, I can order healthier choices when we go out. But then they will make a big pancakes and bacon breakfast or pick up bagels and pizza (my husband is from New York originally so they know he can’t get “good” ones at home) and stock up on tons of snacks (cookies, chips, ice cream, etc) that they know we like simply because we are coming to visit.
  • asochable
    asochable Posts: 43 Member
    @TavistockToad thanks. I’m pretty good about limiting the snacks. My husband has a hard time with it not just because it’s his favorite foods but then the guilt of his family going out of the way to please him when he visits. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited February 2019
    I don't know if this will help or not, but I often find that people are much more likely to comply when you frame it as asking them for help, rather than telling them what you guys are doing. Since it sounds like your husband does really need to lose weight, and it's his family anyway, perhaps ask them ahead of time to help him by not going all out this time. Obviously this depends on how your hubby feels about his weight and what his relationship with his family is like. Maybe they could skip the snacks and just get bagels for breakfast one day and pizza for dinner once.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I'm not dieting now, but when I am, no I don't tell anyone. It doesn't really ever come up. If I was in the situation you are describing, I would just pick what I wanted to eat. You don't have to eat everything there because it's available. I would eat a reasonable portion of the pancakes or whatever it was and that would be that. No discussion necessary.
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    no, it's none of their business and honestly not that interesting a topic. I just say no thanks when I don't want something.
  • whatalazyidiot
    whatalazyidiot Posts: 343 Member
    Never. The only person who knows is my sister because I live with her. When I am in a situation like that, I just pick the healthiest of what is available. I never tell people I am dieting or explain my food choices. It hasn't really been an issue anyway. Nobody has been like "But why aren't you eating that?".
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    I don't consider what I eat to be dieting but my immediate family knows that I am trying to eat healthier - mostly because there is no soda, chips, and snack crackers in the house anymore. It isn't because I don't ever have those things but because my willpower for those is nonexistent. When we go out with others, I just make better choices - usually a 6 oz steak or salmon, potato and vegetable. Noone questions it if I don't make a big deal about it.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    I don't see my extended family enough to where it would become an issue (i.e. only on Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter). I normally just eat what everyone is eating and just watch my portions. I try to fill up on things that are less calorie-dense so I'm less tempted to eat a lot of the other things.

    They know I'm dieting because they see me lose weight, but they generally don't see the day-to-day impact it has had on my food habits because they only see me during holiday-eating mode.

    I don't know if it's just like, my family, but I visit my parents on a weekly basis since they live just outside of the town I'm in, and they don't buy me things. If I want to have something at the house and they don't have it, I have to bring it, lol. This is the first time I've seen that as an advantage.
  • theowlbox
    theowlbox Posts: 912 Member
    I make the best choices I can in whatever situation I’m in. Sometimes even the best choice isn’t “good” but it’s the best I can do.

    My extended family, friends, coworkers, etc haven’t decided to alter what they eat, nor should I expect them to in order to cater to my preferences.

    I’ll just do my best. Eat a little less, get a little more activity, balance out my intake so I have a little less the rest of the week, etc.

    Or sometimes just roll with it and know I’m at maintenance or even a little over and maybe my entire weight loss effort is slowed by 2 days. I can live with that too.

    this but i would add: people know i'm dieting because sometimes it's applicable to mention it and because it isn't shameful or up for someone else's approval. it's no different than other accommodations we make for others.

    then again i am pretty direct about things so it might not be your style. best of luck with the family!
  • asochable
    asochable Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks for all the different points of view!

    I agree with the sentiment that it’s not their business which is why I haven’t said anything at this point to them. But, as @mmultanen said, I do think food is the family’s way to show love and like @kimny72 points out, I don’t want to upset them. It’s probably my husbands place to tell them to kindly not get us all that food, but that would definitely be hard for him to do, both because he does love his NY bagels and because he doesn’t want to somehow upset them or have the uncomfortable conversation that he’s trying to eat better. His family knows I run a lot and that we go to crossfit to get in better shape.

    So far it sounds like the best option is to make the best choices we can in the situations that come up and get back on track when we get home.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    dieting ..or restricting your eating or totally changing your eating habits is YOUR business. Is not your place to tell the people you visit to accommodate your eating habits. If you invite them to your home, serve healthy food and call it a is your choice. If you visit them...bring a dish you can eat.

    It seems logical that you should be able to say something and be considered at gatherings outside your home. But, really it is an imposition on people who have invited you to be kind. The bottom line.. people who make huge announcements about their vegetarianism, vegan diets, lactose intolerance...gluten allergies... are hardly celebrated as guests you just can't wait to invite again.
  • asochable
    asochable Posts: 43 Member
    @elisa123gal I’m not talking about going over for dinner at a friends house. I’m talking about staying with my in-laws for a few days where they often go out of the way to get us foods they know we like but are not good for us. It’s not really feasible to bring our own dish for the whole weekend and if anything I feel like that would be insulting to our families that we won’t eat their food.

  • bumbambi
    bumbambi Posts: 11 Member
    I completely understand where you're coming from. I think this situation requires a bit of self preservation skills from you and your husband. At the end of the day you have two choices. Either you have the uncomfortable situation of telling them "Please don't buy any of this junk food specifically for us, because we have a hard time saying no" or you both just need to start saying no regardless of whether they offer it or not. Sometimes it's hardest not letting people guilt you into eating food that are high in calories and will throw you back a whole weeks worth of progress. At the end of the day though, even if you don't want to specifically tell them to please stop buying all these things, they surely will get the message after the 3rd or 4th time you guys come to visit and decline their well meant offerings.