Looking for motivation and support friends

Hi, I’m looking for friends who are doing a sustainable food plan to get support and motivation from . I have 13 lbs to get my goal but I still have times when I want to binge and it sets me back from where I want to be. I feel beyond awful after a binge and I’d love a support system in times where i feel I want to binge but to reach out to people instead of using the food which is no help because it just hurts me in the end , no weight is lost it’s just gained . Thank you so much!😃


  • mcemino2
    mcemino2 Posts: 427 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have lost 28 pounds with another 20 to go. I tend to overeat/binge eat on the weekends which slows my progress. Currently trying to stay around 1600 calories a day. Don't eat the best of foods, but try to just keep the calories down.
  • LoveShane88
    LoveShane88 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you so much ! I’ll add you for sure!😃