20 Pounds in 60 days?

I’ve overhauled my diet this past January 1st and so far I have lost 13 pounds! I’m wondering if it will be possible to lose an additional 20 pounds in 60 days? The hubby and I are off to Antigua for our anniversary in April.

A bit of background on me ...I’m 40 years old, SW 217.8 pounds CW 204.6 pounds. I am a vegetarian. I do not work out consistently however the plan, starting tomorrow will include at the very least, 30 mins a day of exercise.

Can anyone provide any tips or advice to help me on my way?

Please let me know if you require any additional information from me.


  • brittlb07
    brittlb07 Posts: 313 Member
    I’ve lost 12 pounds since January 1 but I’m almost certain the first 6 were waterweight as I dropped those sooo fast and now I am only losing a pound per week. Which I am okay with since I’m only 15 away from my goal of 118. So I wouldn’t expect the same rate as your first few weeks.
  • jelleigh
    jelleigh Posts: 743 Member
    Hey OP. So from what i hear, it's safe if you are at the higher end of the scale (not sure how tall you are) to lose 1% of body weight per week. Which for you at 204 would be 2 lbs. To do that you need to have a deficit of 1000 calories a day. Whoch means at a MINIMUM you need to be burning, through daily life and exercise, 2200 calories a day. Because you need AT LEAST 1200 calories to hit nutritional requirements. Now this might be fully possible. Im 38 years old, 5'8 and 190 lbs and my daily burn is 2500 cals (no on purpose exercise but I do walk at least 10000 steps a day at my job). Anyhow, that would get you in at 16 lbs if you lost a consistent 2 lbs per week for 2 months.
  • TheJenJen78
    TheJenJen78 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for all of the response. My weight loss journey is a new lifestyle commitment not just a ploy to lose weight for the vacay. As I mentioned I’ve already lost 13lbs so far and want to use the vacation for extra motivation.

    My height 5’10” 😊
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    I think having a special motivation helps the weight-reduction journey, actually, as long as a person is realistic about the goal. If it was me, I would continue what I have been doing since January and let that motivating trip help maintain adherence to my plan. My experience with awesome vacations is that I am quite a bit more active, and I tend to choose delicious, local food in moderate amounts. I don't drink that much so consuming hundreds of calories that way isn't an issue. Coming home, I might be up 5 # right away but I have learned that a lot of that has to do with fluid and the experience of flying for several hours and usually I basically maintain at what my pre-trip weight was.
  • 1BlueAurora
    1BlueAurora Posts: 439 Member
    I'd set a less aggressive goal, just so I could ride that vacation motivation without depriving myself too much for the next two months. Maybe aim for 15 pounds gone? Then treat yourself to a nice new vacation outfit (maybe it'll be a size smaller?), go forth and enjoy!
  • CharlieCharlie007
    CharlieCharlie007 Posts: 246 Member
    I generally go with percent. When I started out, I was able to drop 2.5% a month. Now, My best numbers are between 1 and 1.5 is I really dedicate myself. So lets say you can do 2%. In two months, you can safely drop between 9 and 12 pounds of fat. You may drop more, but thats water. Thats with a super clean diet which respects a calorie deficit and proper training.

  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    edited February 2019
    2.33 lbs/week is quite extreme, that would require a deficit of 1200 cals/day. And since you don't exercise that means you would probably only be able to eat 700-900 cals/day to lose that much. That is not safe or advised. a lot of your loss would end up coming from muscle at that rate (esp without adequate protein and strength training). if you had 75+ lbs to lose, you might be able to pull it off, but not at your size.

    I would suggest setting a goal of 1.5 lb/week so you may still lose 12 lbs in that amount of time
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    Your aniversary vacation sounds like it could be a lot of fun. I love Antigua there is so many fun things to do there.

    That being said. Do you want to feel worn out and exhausted when you get there with little energy to really enjoy yourself?

    An aggressive deficit will probably result in a less than optimum vacation. You are only 30 lbs from the ‘normal’ BMI range for your height. A deficit of 500-750 cals a day would result in a 1-1.5 loss per week average and would be much more appropriate.

    If you can, do increase your activity level. It will add to your vacation enjoyment.

    Go buy yourself a stunning swimsuit, floaty coverup, and rock the body you have.

    (Lots of cool inexpensive sundresses on the island B))

    Cheers, h.