New member

I've just joined and have been doing the SlimFast plan since the New Year. It did it for me when I looked at some pics taken of me over Xmas and saw this fat face staring back at me. I thought "I need to change, if I see this then other people do"
So far I'm really pleased as I've lost over a stone and I am already noticing the difference. 😊


  • lozanosusan001
    lozanosusan001 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi buddy. This is John and I am also new here. I am actually here to gain more weight and looking forward to some effective advice.
  • evertondirks24
    evertondirks24 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm new here as well, joined a week ago , but have been part of a biggest loser challenge at work for 4-weeks now, and it has been great already seeing the change. This platform actually helps me keep tract of what not to do. S