Macros? How to increase calories?

I'm trying to follow iifyms. And it says I should eat around 2,000 calories m,w,f, my lifting days and non active days its about 1,800. Right now I'm eating around 1,500 calorie right now. How do I increase my calories? And is my intake too high? I have a sedentary job and I'm trying to do a body recomp.


  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    Add food? I keep foods amthat are heavy in one macro to play macro Tetris (ie need protein add chicken; need carbs add rice; need fat macadamia nuts)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    Only way to know if your intake is right for you is to try it for a couple months and see. Try to keep track of all of your food for those two months and then adjust at that time if your results dictate.

    It's what we all have to do - this is a science experiment and the better data you collect the better your long-term results.

  • a5334131n
    a5334131n Posts: 10 Member
    If you want to add calories but are struggling to add more volume, try adding more calorie rich foods - such as avocados and nuts. Both of which are pretty high calorie, but have a ton of benefits for your body and your brain.

    Otherwise, I would check ur BMR/TDEE to see if you're at the correct calorie allowance, especially with exercise offsetting a desk job.