Rest days? How many?



  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    To answer the OP question, whatever my body tells me it needs but generally 1-3 days depending on intensity of my workouts. I’m 64 so likely in a different training world than you. I do have intense workouts though.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    firef1y72 wrote: »
    I don't exactly have a rest day, but I do have a 24hour period each week from after Saturday morning bootcamp until I set off for my long run on Sunday morning, where all I'll do is stretch and roll.
    But I have a pretty structured workout week, where my trainer focuses on different things throughout the week. So different body parts are being used everyday

    I like this! This feels right. I'm not running daily and ok...i alternate upper and lower on days I dont run so i feel like nothing is being overworked. If I'm sleeping enough and feeling well, a "rest day" isn't totally mandatory....

    My coach generally has her athletes on a full 7 day schedule. During our "in season" training blocks, we do several sessions in each discipline each week, with supplemental strength(weights) and flexibility sessions(yoga) in addition to the swim, bike and run work. As far as rest days, we have one "recovery day", usually on Mondays following long work on the weekends. The Monday workout is typically an easy bike session to "spin out" fatigue in the legs. This is optional and occasionally I'll take that day as pure rest.

    Finally, my coach monitors sleep, nutrition and fatigue, and adjusts or eliminates workouts if athletes are not recovering properly. From your post, it sounds like you are generally doing this and its working for you, so I'd guess that you're getting enough recovery.