I’m confused...I haven’t met any of my macros yet...why do my macros say I’m over though???

Nyappy94 Posts: 2 Member
edited February 2019 in Getting Started


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    The pie chart shows the percentage of the food you've eaten so far. The percentages will change throughout the day as you eat more. It's not showing that you're over anything.
  • amy19355
    amy19355 Posts: 805 Member
    the pie chart is showing you how the food you've eaten so far is distributed across the macro groups.
    if you eat a pile of cookies, for example, and log them, that pie chart will change to reflect it.

    I use the pie chart during the day to plan my next meal. so , if i were you looking at that chart and getting ready to eat, I'd be focusing on a protein plate with some carbs on the side, and at the next meal see if i need any fat or not.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    I'm the opposite of Amy above. I only use the pie charts to reflect on how I have eaten over the past week or so. For planning my meals, the "Nutrients" tab with values in grams is more helpful to me.

    Also, while I consider the calorie goal to be a maximum that I try to get really close to without going over (by too much), I consider the nutrients to be MINIMUMS I try to exceed (or to get as close as possible). The 3 I pay the most attention to are, for me, a minimum of: 25g fiber, 50g fat & 100g protein. I do not worry about total carbs at all.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    The pie chart is a snap shot in time...at that particular time that's where you were macro wise in regards to what you had eaten so far. It will constantly adjust with what you're eating. So like right now, your food thus far has you at 45% protein.